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Thread: Robot SMASH!! Series 2: Recharged!

  1. #101

  2. #102

  3. #103
    Yes Mark, I know, but since the team has been renamed. Now shut up and go back on vacation.

    Welcome now to the final part of tonight€™s exciting episode of Robot SMASH!! , where 4 robots have already bitten the dust and just 2 are left to do battle for a place in the series semi-finals!
    Let€™s take a look back at the episode so far and see how the number #1 seed Wedge Devolution and it€™s opponent Sheer Heart Attack 2 got this far:
    They started off in the same eliminator, in which SHA2 had agreed to team up with The Curse, but the reigning champion proved too strong and The Curse was pitted.
    In the first heat semi-final Wedge Devolution flipped Splinter onto its back and in the second Sheer Heart Attack 2 ruptured Y4€™s co2 supply and flipped it into its back.

    Let€™s go now to the pit area, where our two heat finalists are queuing up to enter the coliseum with their mechanical masterpieces.
    Me: Hey Steve, is Wedge Devolution ready to cause some robot decomposition in this heat final?
    Steven: You bet. The number #1 seed rarely bows out in the heats, and this is gonna be no exception.
    Me: Do you have enough power to throw SHA2 OOTA?
    Steven: More than enough, and seen as he€™s invertible and has a very heavy drum there€™s a good chance he€™ll end up on the camera tracks.

    Me: How do you feel about this line-up Martijn?
    Martijn: It was a flipper SHA2 went out to last year, but at least I€™ve gone one better so even if I lose here it€™s an improvement.
    Me: Do you think you can rupture Wedge Devo€™s co2 supply like you did to Y4?
    Martijn: There€™s enough power in the drum, it€™s just a game of whether I can get the right hit in.
    Me: Good luck to the both of you, let€™s settle this in the coliseum!

    Ladies and Gentlemen, please applaud the return of the number #1 seed Wedge Devolution and Sheer Heart Attack 2 to the coliseum.

    Roboteers, standby!

    Booth 1: Steven McGregor
    Booth 2: Martijn M Benschop


    Sheer Heart Attack 2 gets that drum to start spinning almost immediately, and Wedge Devolution is also quick off the mark, heading straight across the arena and slipping underneath the side of SHA2 and flipping it sideways! Martijn€™s drum isn€™t affected though, and he turns and slams into Wedge Devolution which is flicked onto its back! Steven self-rights and reverses out of there, but he€™s given Martijn time to spin up again, so when he comes back on the attack SHA2 is ready and hits the corner of the wedge, flicking it up into the air and rushing in underneath so as to push Steven around, which Martijn does, heading straight for the pit release button to lower the chasm! But having pushed Wedge Devolution up against the wall SHA2 can€™t stay underneath and push Steven around, and so is forced to retreat out from underneath! And the minute he does the number #1 seed rushes on and flips SHA2 far across the arena, almost right to the other side! But for now Martijn is OK as he gets his rear wedges underneath the front of Wedge Devo before the flipper is back down and now he pushes the champ into the corner, where it is flipped by the Killsaws! Steven self-rights and flips Sheer Heart Attack 2 from the side again, but the ability to run inverted is really proving valuable here as Sheer Heart Attack 2 uses those wedges to push Wedge Devo again, this time across the arena and into the opposite corner! BZZT! Once again Steven is turned turtle by the Killsaws, and for the second time he quickly recovers to throw SHA2 up and over yet again, but now Martijn has the drum spun up again and hits Wedge Devolution, sending the champ up and over onto its back yet again! And Steven is slower to self-right this time- is the champion running out of co2? It still seems he has some life yet now though as Steven gets underneath Sheer Heart Attack 2 again and this time stacks Martijn sideways on the wall! The crowd roar with surprise as Wedge Devolution quickly and slickly slips that flipper in underneath another of the tracks on SHA2, and Steven grins with delight as he reaches for the flipper button!


    Sheer Heart Attack 2 started so well, but now it€™s down and out on the camera tracks and the number #1 seed Wedge Devolution goes through to the series semi-finals!

    And don€™t forget to tune into next week€™s episode of Robot SMASH!! , as we witness the return of the number #3 seed Supreme Glory Omega!

    The line-up for Heat B is:
    Chaos 2 v Axe-o-Lotl v Knyfe
    Supreme Glory Omega (3) v Shrederator v GBOD

  4. #104
    Wooooo! The robot that is back-to-basic is through to the semis! Nice going Steve - I hope your reign as Champion continues...

    Anyway: Tactics and predictions:

    Chaos 2 v Axe-o-Lotl v Knyfe: Im very happy about this match-up, as both have very weak armouring (Chaos 2 has about 1.2cm of Aluminium on the sides, but its very low grade Aluminium, and do I need to mention the rear panel ) and Axe-O-Lotl has 3mm of Aluminium and 5mm of Titanium. I should also be able to out-push both of these - Chaos 2 has 2hp, but has a 16kg weight disadvantage, and Axe-O-Lotl has 18hp, whoch is average for a vapourbot (Im not being rude, its an observation that vapourbots use the LEMs very regularry) and Knyfe using its 2 x LEM200s at 48V uses 50hp! I can outpush these two, and plan to use weapon set-up...

    6: A 5mm Hardox front plate with 8 rows of 6 spikes on them, making Knyfe into a useful and dangerous rammer, as the spikes are each 8.4cm long, 2.2cm in diameter, and diamond tipped. And a 100kg robot hitting you at 20mph with diamond-tipped spikes is going to hurt thin-ish and thick-ish armours.

    The advantage of this set-up is a quite lethal set-up, and if Chaos 2 flips me, I wont be affected. My plan is to lodge into one of these, and just smash these into the hazards to cause damage and dislodge me if Im stuck and unable to get loose. Target Chaos 2 the most, but if Axe-O-Lotl gives me hell, go for him.

    Good luck Chris and whoever entered Chaos 2

    Supreme Glory Omega (3) v Shrederator v GBOD: SGO to surprisingly go out in the first round, as the two spinners will tear through its Lexiguard armour.

  5. #105

    Tumbleweed to be ganged up on by Knyfe and Chaos 2, and those motors and those linkages to catch fire before it gets flipped out.

    *voice reminds him that there is no robot called Tumbleweed in this fight*

    Oh. Anyway, Ill actually go for Axe-O-Lotl to go out, since I think people underrate Chaos 2 quite a bit - AOL has a very narrow angle of attack, and Chaos 2 will likely flip it out.

    In the other one, Im inclined to agree with Paul here.

  6. #106
    Can anyone link me to stats of Shrederator please? I know the robot, but none of its armour/drive/power or what it team its from

    Also, Leo- I know the feather Hannbalito, but not the heavy Hannibal, and I know the Mantis that appeared in RW7, but it says MK2 next to your entries, so Im not sure if its the same one

  7. #107

    FP flipper, 100x180mm ram.
    Shape, exactly like Chaos 2, only supersized and all aluminium.
    Drive 2x Litton motors @ 36V about 18mph
    Hannibalito (which tranlates as small Hannibal) got its name from it.

    Mantis MK2 is different from series7.

    Mantis mk2
    2x Bosch GPA 750 drive on 24V
    Hydraulic crusher and lifter, capable of lifting 200kg in 3 seconds.

    (Message edited by leorcc on May 26, 200

    (Message edited by leorcc on May 26, 200

  8. #108
    gotta get me an envy cam

  9. #109
    Be cool if you could wear video glasses while driving it :P

  10. #110
    lol. dont get me on it joey it sounding a good idea

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