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Thread: The Phoenix Cup

  1. #71
    Well, this is it. Todays the day youve all been waiting for, and two people have partially dreaded. Yes, its time to crown the Phoenix Cup champion!

    Now, dim the lights and sharpen the saws. Its time to descend to the warzone for the last time...


    House Robots - Dulcy & The Taxman

    Roboteers, stand by...

    For the last time this series, our two finalists charge out of their spotlights, colliding head-on in the arena centre! To Liams delight, Apocalypse proves the lower of the two flippers and fires the great flipping arm! Q.E. 2s front jumps into the air, but Joeys machine remains upright! Apocalypse quickly comes in for a side attack, but Q.E. 2 deftly darts out of the way! The next few moments prove intense as our finalists size each other up, thinking how best to impliment their strategies. Just as Apocalypse makes another drive for Q.E. 2s sides, Joey pulls his pride and joy out the way and narrowly clips its rivals head with that terrible axe! Infuriated, Apocalypse barges into Q.E. 2s side like a rampant rhino! Liam hasnt gotten underneath, but he has given Q.E. 2 a good hard knock! Joey quickly spins Q.E. 2 around and clips Apocalypses bonce a second time! Liams launcher brushes this off, however, and comes in for another charge! This time, the flippers aim is true and Q.E. 2 is thrown onto its back in a burst of CO2! Apocalypse manouevers itself and pushes Q.E. 2 towards the nearest wall, but Joey didnt get this far by being pushed around! Mr McConnell activates his axe and flicks Q.E. 2 back onto its wheels before even reaching the barrier! Apocalypse tries to get back underneath, but Q.E. 2 is proving a slippery customer! Just as Liam starts to get frustrated, he finds Q.E. 2 at his robots side, bringing down that mighty hammer! This time, the axe gets a grip and a brief tug-of-war ensues between the two finalists! Q.E. 2s grip is holding, but Apocalypse is proving the stronger with six wheels to four! At last, a burst of speed has Apocalypse breaking the axes hold and darting up the arena! Q.E. 2 follows close behind and the duo find themselves tussling near the Flame Grill! A mighty column of fire illuminates our finalists as Q.E. 2 gets in another hammer blow! This time, Apocalypse manages to shake it off and darts forwards for some space - maybe a little too far forwards! Q.E. 2 stays right on Liams tail and rear-ends the bulked-up Bulldog Breed just as they near Dulcys CPZ! Realizing hes scraped under that rear skirt, Joey fires his front spatula and flicks Apocalypses back end off the ground! Bringing the great axe downward on its rival, Q.E. 2 shunts Liams launcher straight into Dulcys waiting claws! The reptilian House Robot swings Apocalypse into her corner and lowers her head! Flames erupt from her metallic mouth, lightly sizzling that smart blue paintjob! Q.E. 2, taking full advantage of the situation, clatters into the Void Activation Button and dashes back to Dulcys corner to watch the show! Unfortunately, Apocalypse is holding up fine and dandy against Dulcys flame breath and, with a bit of frantic wriggling, the rounded robot finally escapes the House Robots clutches - though, not without giving her a quick flick in revenge, of course! The battle is back on and our two finalists are once again dancing near the Flame Grill! This time, Apocalypse gets the upper hand, catching Q.E. 2s side and tossing it onto its back! Almost instantly, however, Joeys machine self-rights and swings round for another attack! Liam brings the battle closer to the arena centre and the duo dance once more! Q.E. 2 tries getting another axe blow in, but misses, giving Apocalypse an ideal chance to swoop under the sides and throw it over again! Apocalypse lines up its shot and charges for the nearest wall, but once again, Q.E. 2 flicks itself upright and out of harms way! Starting to get annoyed, Liam goes for a full frontal assault, ploughing under Q.E. 2s front before Joey can manouever away! The flipper fires and Apocalypse sends its rival upside-down yet again! Ploughing underneath, Apocalypse ignores the arena walls for now and instead rams Q.E. 2 down the warzone - right into the Taxmans horrible flywheel! Sparks fly as the king-sized Killerhurtz self-rights into the CPZ, its side now bearing a rather nasty scrape! Luckily for Joey, the Taxman isnt quite as hefty as Dulcy and so Q.E. 2 is able to wriggle away before any more serious damage can be inflicted! Right now, Joey is starting to feel as though hes on the ropes - especially since Apocalypse has barged in and flipped him again! Liam aims for one last flip, but Q.E. 2 proves to have plenty of life remaining as its axe rolls it back onto its wheels! A quick dart away from an Apocalypse charge and our finalists find themselves locked in another deadly dance! With near perfect timing, Joey fires his axe just as Q.E. 2 meets Apocalypses side and gets a good solid grip on his rounded rival! A second tug-of-war breaks out as Joey and Liam fight to stay in the game! You can even hear the squealing of the tyres as their machines try and prove their might! At last, Apocalypse appears to be getting the upper hand! Q.E. 2 struggles to maintain its grip, but a quick shunt from Liam sees it being thrust rear-first into Killeidascope Corner! The finalists are separated in a shower of sparks, as the mighty multicoloured drum knocks Q.E. 2 aside! Those titanium and polycarb side panels are starting to look rather scrappy, not to mention the beautiful naval paintwork! Q.E. 2 tries to manouever to Apocalypses side and gets in another glancing blow with that incredible axe! Apocalypse, however, is ready to call it a day! Clipping Q.E. 2s side, Liams launcher sweeps under the 10mm ground clearance, but the flipper remains dormant! Liam instead pours on the gas and careers across the arena towards the Void! Joey frantically tries to escape, firing both axe and flipper to rock Q.E. 2 off the wedge! The desperate ploy pays off and Q.E. 2 rocks itself onto solid ground - right on the edge of the corner zone! Joey quickly attempts an escape, but its all for naught! Apocalypse gives one last shunt and Q.E. 2 is sent tumbling down into the screaming abyss! Liam jumps for joy as he fires his flipper again and again! The day is won and the Phoenix cup is his at last!


    Despite a few wise investments, Q.E. 2 goes bankrupt in the end! Ah, well. Its only money, Joey.

    1st = APOCALYPSE (Liam Eliot)
    2nd = Q.E. 2 (Joey McConnell)
    3rd = BACK TO ROCK III (Martijn Benschop)

    Well, what can I say? Thank you so much to everyone whos entered and commented. It felt good to be back in the tournament game, and even better to actually finish one again.

    Although the return of PTT or a brand new major from me is highly unlikely in the future, I certainly wouldnt rule out another brief contest like this again. That is, if you actually want one. :wink:

    At any rate, thank you to all and to all, a good night.

    (Message edited by Steven_McG on June 08, 200

  2. #72

    Although the return of PTT or a brand new major from me is highly unlikely in the future


    Well done Liam, and awesome fights Steve.

  3. #73

  4. #74
    Oh balls. Well, quod erat demonstratum in the end...well done Liam and Steve, on what has been rather a good little tournament. Excellent, Id say.

  5. #75

  6. #76
    OMG, I won!

    Brilliant fight Steve, that was the best fight Ive been in and I enjoyed this torunament extremely, and not just because I won

    Commiserations to Joey and everyone else, and congrats to Steve

  7. #77
    G-R-E-A-T Steven! I could live without PTT when you continue to deliver things like this every so often

    and w00t, third place!

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