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Thread: Team Zlayers Presents: Return of ATTTWI!

  1. #1
    +2>Return of ATTTWI

    Thats right, Ive decidws to get it started today.

    Rules? What rules? Just enter 8 anythings each.

    The House Fighters are:


    A huge, planetary half-android organism that can control Mother Nature herself. Has an indefinite amount of energy and power and can unleash it all at once and recover instantly within seconds. Spends time wandering through dimensions when bored.

    Ancalagon the Black

    The greatest dragon of all time, Ancalagon the Black soars the dead black skies on vast, impenetrable bat-like wings. He is roughly the size of 3 hotels stacked on top of each other. His belly, which was thought to be his weak point, is now covered with mithril-hooked scales and his eyes are magically protected.


    A dark, giant sword that strikes down emperors, kings, and other beings of great power. It is empowered by shadow magic and has a powerful so great it would take the power of all the Gods to break it.


    A futuristic being filled with precognition to the highest extent. Can change history in any way possible. He is armed with several bionic weapons capable of levelling a small galaxy. When hes not attacking, hes invulnerable.


    A female ninja who betrayed her clan. Extremely skillful in her approach, and deadly at the bloody end. Hides her emotions completely. It is almost impossible to tell what she is thinking. Also she is lightning quick.


    The hero of the land of Gaul, this little guy isnt weak in one bit. Again, for this tournament, hes been given a sustainment potion that, typically, sustains his strength for the entire brawl. Hes also a quick thinker, and a great hunter. And now when he gives a battle cry, everybody will shake in fear.

    Prince Hamlet

    A multi-personalitied half-nutcase, yet methodical in his approach. Can twist words without effort, yet strangely he tries to befriend fighters and give them tips. He is very smart and can get 10,000 soldiers who are coming to fight him, to fight each other.

    Big Mac

    A weird house fighter in a package of a regular Big Mac. Or is it? It appears in a losing competitors need, but when they bite into it...who knows what may happen? Only those who have a great strength of stomach can resist the call of the Big Mac!

    Auguel Helnstrom

    A big, beefy man with a Russian accent. He wields a great broadsword but he prefers to fight hand-to-hand most of the time. Has strength to match the Earths gravitational pull and can punch through a block of meter thick Hardox, putting a huge hole in it, no problem.


    Haha. For real. This Tamaranian teenager kinda mixes up powers from the other house fighters. One star bolt can destroy an entire 100 hectares of forest (though she doesnt want that :P), her strength is quite supreme, but mostly she tries to befriend everybody. She also has great perception and can tell when someone lies.

    Oh, and theres no arena. This happens somewhere generic.


    When putting in entries, give at least a brief description or a link to the things you are entering, please, so I dont get confused.

    Well, get entering!

    (Message edited by kodster on April 04, 200

  2. #2

  3. #3

    Billy Lockhart (my character from Marks RPG...thing)
    A rat
    The country of Lithuania
    My laptop
    Liquid nitrogen
    The letter Q
    A USB drive in a heat sealed rigid plastic package
    Haardvark (series 2)

    Will those do?

  4. #4

  5. can I enter Male Kram?

  6. #6
    ((Still working on profiles))

  7. #7
    Oh, and no, Mark Elam is not allowed in my tournaments, no matter how nonsensical they are.

    Get out Mark.

    And sure Martijn.

    (Message edited by kodster on April 04, 200

  8. #8

  9. Stop being an ignorant prat and GTFO. NOW.

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