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Thread: New Committee/Old Committee

  1. #1

  2. #2
    I have full intentions of applying for the chairmans job. I know Andy is resigning and Geoff Smith wants to apply for his seat. I am not sure what Geoff thinks about working with me but i will certainly take the job seriously do the job to the best of my abilities.

    I believe the election should be done by a simple vote by members of the FRA. simple.

  3. #3

  4. #4
    I plan to take an active involvement in the running of the FRA once I am finished uni but for now I wish you all the best Swanny

  5. #5
    To all roboteers and prospective FRA commitee members.
    There are still many problems in the fraternity, major safety issues (one I was shot down for, for bringing up some months ago) have not been delt with by the commitee, rules are being ignored on a regular basis on some shows but constant pressure is put on others.
    This is not in the sports interest.
    We attend events regardless of the organisers and try to maintain a political position of sitting on the fence. The same connot be said of the current FRA commitee, we have already lost one organiser as a result. We need more event organisers not less, the more we are in the public eye the more likely the TV companies are to put Robot Wars back on TV.
    I therefor propose a set of additional rules to be added to the FRA constitution:
    1.To avoid conflict of interest and voting bias commitee members should not be employed, wether paid or not, by event organisers.
    2.Commitee members should be active roboteers attending events from all orgamisers.
    3.Commitee members should support all organisers and do their best to promote them equally.
    4.Commitee members should be open about all issues which affect the roboteers or sport in general and post subjects to be discused prior to voting to get the roboteers views.
    5.all important issues should be voted for/against by the roboteers not the commitee.
    These are my veiws, what are yours guys and gals?

  6. #6
    I plan to make the FRA as transparent as possible. 1 way might be to have a members only thread with a members password so issues can be made clear and out of the public eye therefore making the forum a better place arguement free. Minutes from every meeting should be given a timescale to be posted in a minutes thread....say 2 weeks. If we all work together the roboteering world will be a much better one.

  7. #7

  8. #8
    You have every right to ask that question Adrian and i dont doubt others think the same. All i can say is that when it comes down to it i will do what i think is right. I have stuck my neck out for Robots Live on more than 1 occassion and i have tried very hard to make jonno attend RL events which he now does and i do believe people now think he does go to be a roboteer and not to see what the opposition is doing. I will freely admit Jonno is my personal friend but thats where it stops. My problem is that i am very oppinionated and i am not afraid to say so. Black is Black with me which is why i believe i will make a good chairman. Those that know me on a personal level will agree with what i say. All i want is good for our sport which is very fragile at the moment.

  9. #9
    The FRA was originally set up to support the roboteers in order to control their own destiny away from the likes of Mentorn. So what if an event organiser is not acting in the best interests of the roboteers especially in such matters as safety? Does the FRA committee support the EO or the roboteers? I know which I would choose.

    There is no simple way of putting this but Black is black with me becomes grey very quickly. The amount of rivalry/disatisfaction/mistrust and conspiracy theories that exist within our community (I hear it all you know) just pees me off to the extent that I often ask myself why I bother.

    I dont give a flying .... about allegences. We are a small community that needs to help each other out - and that we do. Are the boxers loaned out gratis? If not then that would constitute employment to me - as does selective appearance fees (I know that goes on too).

    I am just not interested in conspiracy theories as to who did what to whom or who DOES what for whom. As a roboteer I want to attend an event that is safely run to the rules drawn up by the FRA (a very relevant point which is too complicated to go into here!) and that is why I am a very active member of the FRA. That is why any EO (yes any) receives short shrift from me if I feel they overstep the mark.

    Despite everyones support and kind words for my efforts, due to the lack of a job and the financial hardship that brings I may not be able to continue beyond March proving once and for all that black holes do exist!

    New resolution for 2009 - my patience just ran out.

  10. #10
    Mike, which event organiser was it that was lost? Only interested

    Liam Bryant
    Team Bud

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