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Thread: Mini-Tournament!

  1. #41
    Eliminator 1/2:
    Dr. Acula v Minesweeper v Nitro-Gene 4.0 v Symmetry

    Dr. Acula is from the mind of Jamie McHarq, my team-mate in Kody€™s C&B: Dual Duels tournament. Notice that it spells Dracula, as Jamie has clearly been watching Scrubs! Also, Jamie€™s favourite flavour jam is raspberry (I agree!).

    Minesweeper is Mark Elam€™s latest creation. It€™s a Tornado-style rambots with ploughs at either end, but a 5mm ground clearance at the sides could leave it exposed to flippers. Mark didn€™t tell me his favourite jam, so I assume he prefers marmite.

    Nitro-Gene is fast making a name for itself on this forum. It€™s got 36HP with those LEMs, and a powerful 1000psi nitrogen flipper which can toss 1600kg, and right the robot in a 540 degree flip! Paul must like marmite too, or perhaps mamalade?

    Symmetry is a very original bot from Leo Van Miert, an invertible box with two horizontal discs, one on top of the other. The wheel setup is also not what you€™d call the norm, with two wheels on top and two wheels on the bottom. That€™s all very well, but its batteries won€™t last a full 5minutes so Leo had better hope this match doesn€™t go the distance!

    Booth 1: Jamie McHarq, Leo Van Miert
    Booth 2: Mark Elam, Paul Cuomo


    Minesweeper gets off to a very quick start, hitting the pit release tyre while the others size each other up, Symmetry getting those discs up to speed while Nitro-Gene checks out Dr. Acula, tentatively moving in on the attack! Paul tries to get the flipper in, but Jamie has other ideas and turns quickly to get his own wedge under Nitro-Gene, pushing it into the arena wall and grabbing it with those claws! Jamie makes for the pit, but there€™s an alliance going on and Minesweeper comes crashing in, pushing Dr. Acula onto the flame pit and freeing Nitro-Gene, but now in comes Symmetry and slams full force into Minesweeper, knocking Mark into the angle grinder! Taking advantage of the momentary stillness of Symmetry€™s weaponry Paul rams in, getting underneath Symmetry and throwing Leo onto his back! However, Symmetry€™s original wheel setup means that Symmetry works exactly the same this way up and now Leo spins up again, ready to get that weapon into play again!
    Meanwhile Minesweeper and Dr. Acula are having their own tussle, and Mark manages to shove Dr. Acula around a bit before Jamie gets those claws around the side of Minesweeper, getting a good strong hold and moving towards the pit again! But heck, it pays to have allies and in comes Nitro-Gene, flipping Dr. Acula so that both Minesweeper and Jamie tumble over, but Dr. Acula holds on tight! Nitro-Gene rams the entwined pair again, and now Symmetry comes in from behind!
    Nitro-Gene is sent spinning into the middle of Dr. Acula and Minesweeper, separating them! Minesweeper hurries away and attacks Symmetry, getting the front plough underneath the discs and ramming Symmetry onto the flame pit! The flames dance on the discs, but Mark has left his sides exposed to attack again and in comes Dr. Acula, who has been righted while fighting Nitro-Gene! Once again Jamie grips Mark with the claws and pulls him towards the pit, and this time Symmetry comes in to stop Nitro-Gene breaking up the party!
    Nitro-Gene spins away again, and the front armour seems to be scratched quite badly! But Paul doesn€™t give up and now rams Symmetry into the arena wall, getting underneath and flipping Leo high into the air! But he lands on the barrier and falls back in, with the weapon spinning again! It€™s only now Paul realises he€™s neglected his alliance with Mark, who is being dragged towards the pit of oblivion by Dr. Acula, and now they€™re on the edge! In comes Symmetry to deliver a final push, but Nitro-Gene is underneath Dr. Acula in time and pushes the deadlocked machine away from the chasm again, but Paul has left his rear end open and Symmetry comes running in again!
    This time the panel is half ripped off, half hanging on helplessly, and Symmetry spins up again, ready to rip it clean off! Dr. Acula meanwhile attacks Nitro-Gene from the side, holding on and trying to push it into Symmetry! But Mark intervenes and pushes Symmetry away from the side, into the corner! The discs hit the wall and stop, and Minesweeper carries on holding Symmetry in there, hitting it against the wall. Meanwhile Nitro-Gene and Dr. Acula are doing battle again, Nitro-Gene flipping Dr. Acula around, but Jamie comes back and grabs the loose rear panel of Nitro-Gene, then reverses, pulling it off! Nitro-Gene quickly turns around to defend his exposed buttocks, and flips Dr. Acula again, this time just ramming him into the walls while he€™s inverted. Paul tries to get Jamie down the pit, but misses.
    Finally in the other corner Symmetry escapes Minesweeper and turns the discs on Mark, ripping the front plough clean off! Mark turns around and rams Symmetry into the middle of the arena, and all of a sudden Symmetry doesn€™t seem to be mobile! It seems that battery problem has let it down, and refbot moves in for the count!
    1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10!
    Symmetry is down and out, and now the counter appears- only ten seconds left! Minesweeper decides just to get as many points for aggression as it can in this late stage of the fight and rams Dr. Acula into Nitro-Gene with the rear plough!
    Dr. Acula bounces over Minesweeper, but now gets the claw into play and drags Minesweeper onto the flame pit!


    With only Symmetry immobilised the match will go to a judge€™s decision to decide who goes through out of the remaining three machines!

    Judge 1) Damage: Dr. Acula- 21pts, Minesweeper- 5pts, Nitro-Gene 4.0- 4pts
    Aggression: Dr. Acula- 9pts, Minesweeper- 9pts, Nitro-Gene 4.0- 7pts
    Control: Dr. Acula- 6pts, Minesweeper- 5pts, Nitro-Gene 4.0- 9pts
    Dominance: Dr. Acula- 4pts, Minesweeper- 6pts, Nitro-Gene 4.0- 5pts
    Style: Dr. Acula- 3pts, Minesweeper- 1pt, Nitro-Gene 4.0- 1pts
    Judge 1 Overall: Dr. Acula- 43pts, Minesweeper- 26pts, Nitro-Gene 4.0- 26pts.

    Judge 2) Damage: Dr. Acula- 18pts, Minesweeper- 6pts, Nitro-Gene 4.0- 6pts
    Aggression: Dr. Acula- 3pts, Minesweeper- 15pts, Nitro-Gene 4.0- 7pts
    Control: Dr. Acula- 5pts, Minesweeper- 4pts, Nitro-Gene 4.0- 11pts
    Dominance: Dr. Acula- 3pts, Minesweeper- 7pts, Nitro-Gene 4.0- 5pts
    Style: Dr. Acula- 4pts, Minesweeper- 0pts, Nitro-Gene 4.0- 1pt
    Judge 2 Overall: Dr. Acula- 33pts, Minesweeper- 32pts, Nitro-Gene 4.0- 30pts

    Judge 3) Damage: Dr. Acula- 22pts, Minesweeper- 3pts, Nitro-Gene 4.0- 5pts
    Aggression: Dr. Acula- 6pts, Minesweeper- 10pts, Nitro-Gene 4.0- 9pts
    Control: Dr. Acula- 4pts, Minesweeper- 3pts, Nitro-Gene 4.0- 13pts
    Dominance: Dr. Acula- 4pts, Minesweeper-4pts, Nitro-Gene 4.0- 7pts
    Style: Dr. Acula- 3pts, Minesweeper- 0pts, Nitro-Gene 4.0- 2pts
    Judge 3 Overall: Dr. Acula- 39pts, Minesweeper- 20pts, Nitro-Gene 4.0- 36pts

    Judges Decision Overall Scores:
    1st Dr. Acula, 115pts
    2nd Nitro-Gene 4.0, 82pts
    3rd Minesweeper, 78pts
    4th Symmetry, 0pts

    Coming Next:
    Namie€™s Style v The Alexandra Sisters v The End v Mega Masher 2

  2. #42
    ...Brilliant fight there Liam, they seem to get better each tournament you do *shakes hand*

    Now, better see if the others can avoid their End...

  3. #43
    Thanks very much Joey!
    That is partly the point of this tourney, to work on my writing skills.

  4. #44

    My third battle in vapourbots (counting the ATTTWI) and my third win; so far so good!

    Just a side note, my surname ends in g and not q
    I know from the line going under my name at the side that it looks like a q, but its actually a g

  5. #45
    Sorry about that

    *Bangs head on wall*

  6. #46
    Dont bang your head on the wall, you could seriously hurt it...there are many walls around the world that have had promising careers cut short due to permanent, untimely disabilities caused by people banging their heads on them. :wink:

  7. #47
    Never my brain damage would that:wink:

  8. #48

  9. #49

  10. #50
    Actually Mark you didnt immobilise Symmetry, its batteries died due to their lack of power as stated in Leos stats.
    But it was a very close match, you lost by just 4 points. And I must say your vapours have improved a hell of a lot.
    Fictional armours have disapeared at last!
    Just make sure you dont mess up VRW2, take your time and get it right.

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