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Thread: New year message from the FRA

  1. #101
    I emailed Tony with the email addresses of everyone I could think of in our region, so he had a list of us. (emails taken from forum profiles - public domain, I did also ask most people). I have had no response. I know our rep does attend the meetings (for the most part), just more communication is required.

    Babeth - I work for RL as such I believe that I am unable to stand for a voting position in the FRA. However other bodies that I know of this would not be a problem, as I would declare an interest on any related subject to be voted on and not be allowed to vote. But this would not apply to most decisions. Also I did stand at last election for this position and was not elected (2-1 decision only 3 people voted, there are atleast 7 memberships in my area)

  2. #102
    Ed, i dont believe that because you help out at events that it stops you from being able to stand for rep - your not an event organiser, just a roboteer helping out. If that was the case i cant think of many people at all in the midlands that dont do anything to help out at events.
    But as you say, 3votes - and thats more than alot of positions had.
    I think that kind of proves a point here, people moan all day long about the FRA and people they do/dont like in it, yet when they have the chance to vote someone out they dont bother sending off an e-mail. Come on - you dont even need to get off your arse to do it.

  3. #103

  4. #104
    maybe tony would step down? as he isnt as active as he would like to be and as the FRA imo is on the up i think we need an active member.

    nothing against tony though

    but with so much going on people want to get their views to their rep

    with a majority vote cant we force for a revote

    i know it sounds bad on tony but ofcourse its not , hes been our rep for as long as iv known and its a job i wouldnt want to do with all the hassle

  5. #105
    Matt - regarding not having a form, it was asked many times by people who didnt have one before the end of voting, and they we either sent/forwarded a copy and voted. Yes not every member recieved a form which i believe was not good on the FRAs part, but there was nothing stopping anyone from asking as a few people did.

  6. #106
    Matt if I remember I asked you to email the returning officer with your FRA membership number to request a form.

    I also like Tony personally, although I dont know him as well as I should, due to as us just starting out the last time Bulldog was fighting properly.

  7. #107
    I feel that if you want to change policies of an organisation, you should be part of that organisation. It is far too easy to stand a the sideline shouting your doing it wrong and not come up with solution yourself.

    The goal of the FRA is a good one, but Tim pointed out, thats not what his question was about. He asked WHY did the EOs agree that FRA membership is compulsary as it is not a safety issue or a way to forward roboteering.

    To me it is a valid question.

    In my opinion, roboteers who are not members of the FRA because they have no interest in the politics and rulemaking decisions, should be able to fight at some events, as long as their robots conform to FRA rules. If it is an offical competition (UK Champs for instance) a case can be made for compulsary FRA membership since they are FRA events.

    Both GRA and DRG decided it is not in the interest of their members to make FRA membership compulsary. The European mainland roboteers that do cross the channel to compete must decide for themselves wether or not to join, DRG and GRA will not enforce this. Therefore if UK roboteers want to compete in Holland, Belgium, or Germany are not required to join either. you might say But you dont have any events that is not exactly true, we do have them but we feel they are not large enough for UK roboteers to make the journey.

    GRA does have a fairly large event in Bochum in Germany in May for Feather and Raptor, called Mad Metal Machines 6. It is a 2 day event, but from the UK it is quite a long drive (at least 4 hours from the Calais harbour). UK roboteers are more than welcome to come, but we would not expect you to.

  8. #108
    John, I will indulge you with my answers to your questions:

    Last event - so long I can€™t remember, why? As you know I have been just too busy but circumstances were beginning to improve.
    Ever a member - yes one of the original members and also pneumatics adviser. Why did I resign as pneumatics advisor? Due to some FRA members accusing me of conflicts of interest ( a view not shared to my knowledge by any FRA officials).
    Is the reason for not coming to events FRA - it was not, now maybe.
    What is wrong with joining - main reason was resolved last year, now my HW is no longer compliant due to weight so no point.

    I read your posts with interest and found it hard to recognise much similarity with that of our frequent conversations which I will not repeat as they are in confidence.

    I believe the FRA still exists due to event organisers keeping this hobby alive without EO€™s there would be little need for the FRA. Does this hobby need a governing body, not essential but certainly has benefits. Is it a sport, technically yes but officially and regretfully not yet.

    Certain comments in the above posts such as €œpetty€, €œsquabble like kids€ €œgrow up€ are made by individuals who I assume do not know the circumstances why I have had issues with individuals on the committee or with the FRA and I see no reason why they should know. If they cannot accept at face value there must have been something significant to justify my actions then so be it. I had everything to lose by cancelling my forum membership for example by not being able to advertise in the commercial section so it was a decision not taken lightly.

    I agree totally with Leo€™s post above, although trying to change polices by being on the inside is an ideal but not always achievable and often leads to frustration that even the most resilient of us may ultimately concede defeat.

    The FRA from what I understand is still struggling with membership numbers, personally I feel they should encourage builders to join rather than make it compulsory. I have never bought into the PI insurance argument, the EO€™s public liability insurance is surely the main insurance needed but I will be honest and say that I have limited knowledge of this area.

  9. #109
    Tony is a nice chap. ive emailed him and he is positive & looking forward to meetings which he is arranging as we speak.

  10. #110
    All election information was posted on this site

    Thread FRA elections 2007

    We were aware that some emails may not work due to such things as change of web addresses etc.

    This is why we ask you to submit a new FRA membership form each year to pick up any changes.

    I see the perennial subject of insurance has come up again as it does every year.

    No organisation should operate with out insurance.

    The FRA insurance is just a bit different to normal liability insurance that an event organiser has.(There would be no point in duplicating cover)

    What you do not hear in public domain is how useful the FRA is to the event organisers.
    Some events could not have been held in the years past without the FRA being in existance.

    The FRA original pre member aims were to look after roboteers interests with
    A. A common set of standards.
    B. To represent roboteers in negotiations with TV companies. (last TV series no appearance monies were paid, Trophies were virtually non existent. Basically the TV companies treated the roboteers with contempt)
    C. To try and keep our pastime going. It was obvious that the TV companies were just going to dump the lot of us. (Which is what happened)

    Without the FRA you would have not recently gained the 13.6KG featherweight change. Some event organisers would have stayed at 12 KG while others may have moved to 13.6KG and therefore splitting all the featherweights in to two completely different classes.

    This rule change came about because of roboteer power alone. The FRA governing body listened to your wishes and made it so.

    The FRA likes everybody to be members to ensure a level playing field for all.

    Should there be a legal dispute about rules we could only support a member of the FRA and not the person who is a non member who you could be the team that you are in the arena with. ( This is my personal take on a situation that could happen rather than a legal position. I am not a laywer and do not wish to get involved with any )

    Roboteer members are the FRA. ( a lot of you voted in this years elections)

    Should the membership decide that the FRA is a needless organisation it can be shut down.

    No insurance and it would be shut down as no individual would be prepared to take the legal responsibility. Your democratic and elected governing body takes this responsibility on your behalf.

    And of course no FRA, no forum.

    Someone earlier posted that the FRA was struggling for members.


    Membership numbers are down from our first year but that was expected.

    What has been unexpected is that the original projection of member numbers would be about 40 for 2007 it was approx 80.

    Also someone earlier brought up the subject of free speech on this forum again.


    This subject is covered else ware in the forum and on behalf of the forum administrator and moderator, I refute this allegation on their behalf and respectfully suggest that the writer apologise or submit written evidence so that it can be investigated.

    I am going to have an enjoyable year as a roboteer knowing that at this time that the event organisers are comfortable with each other for the first time, and that they and the FRA are also at ease with each other.

    On that note I gave the governing body notice that I will not be seeking another term as your president. (ends 31/03/2009)

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