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Thread: Team Zlayerz RPG: Identity Theft!

  1. #231
    Uh...tell MEchavore that if he doesnt fit any bloody self righters were not helping him

    On a serious not, I go along with the majority with a view to getting out of the cell early to minimise damage.

  2. #232
    What are the walls made of? If its brick its probably easier to destroy than the bars...

    Otherwise I suppose we should help mechavore

  3. #233
    Yeah the walls arent really as strong as the bars, but they are thicker, much much thicker; however you could get a great deal of info out of the broken robot.

  4. #234

  5. continuing...

    Team 1

    STOP! Were not Romans! cried Die-Ceratops, extricating himself from the bush.

    By Toutatis, its a giant...dinosaur? exclaimed Asterix. We can feed our entire village with it, Obelix! Lets get it!

    Wait, WHAT?! Die-Ceratops was now seriously frightened, and as the gauls descended upon him, he screamed to the others. Flick appeared next.

    Hey Asterix, who is that? said Obelix, his hammer half-way to Die-Ceratops wheel.

    That is Flick of the Wrist, Mr. Gaul, said Flick. And thats my friend youre about to demolish...

    Asterix looked at Die-Ceratops for a second, who let out a nervous chuckle, then backed off.

    But you are not Romans, so who may you be, exactly? inquired Asterix.

    Travellers, grunted Taki, who appeared next. We come in search of something.

    And that something we need to restore someones identity, PMPY said, followed by Nitro-Gene. Kinda a drag, but I guess wed be a little worse off if we didnt do this.

    Ah, Asterix paused, as though he was thinking. First tell me and Obelix how you got here -

    And then you can tell us if you have any roast boar, Obelix added, the moustache ornament twitching.

    Not now, Obelix, snapped Asterix.

    Dude named Kody, said his refbot had its identity taken, guy that did it plans to do it to other robots, sent us here to get titanium gears, said Flick. Yeah, now you know, heh heh -

    Did you say gear? interrupted Asterix. We may have something like that in our village.

    Yes, but we were told by an innkeeper that we should go to Lutetia first, said you gauls were dangerous, said Die-Ceratops. And I dont doubt it, he muttered in an undertone.

    Dangerous! cried Asterix. Of course we are dangerous, but that does not mean we attack without need, dinosaur! ...though you did look quite edible, he added lamely.

    Die-Ceratops growled at this, but before he could retort, PMPY took charge.

    You said you may have a gear? he said. Err...

    Oh yes, the great gaul chief Vercingetorix wears it, said Obelix. He is our mighty leader.

    Obelix, said Asterix turning to his friend. Please, let me do the talking.

    Aw, but -

    Obelix! Please. Thanks, Asterix turned back to the party. If you wish, you may come back to the village with us, or you can return to Lutetia to, err...stock up on whatever you need.

    Were...broke, since our encounter with the Romans, said Nitro-Gene grimly.

    WHAT?! Asterix yelped. You met those bumbling Romans?!

    Indeed, and they have taken five of our friends, and another friend of ours escaped, but we mean to keep up with her, Taki growled.

    And we met them IN Lutetia, so I dont think itd be wise to go back there, said PMPY.

    Hmm... Asterix seemed to be deciding on something. Finally he said: All right, you will come back with us to our village, and talk to our chief. If he is willing, he will give you your token, which is the gear, I believe. If not, you may have to challenge him for it. Asterix laughed suddenly, making the party jump. But our chief is strong, he does not lose easily. But if you wish, first... Asterix drew out a golden amulet. This is worth 7500 gold, so if you wish to brave Lutetia again first, you may get whatever you need.

    Well, guys, what do you think? said Die-Ceratops.

    I say this gaul trusts a bit much, laughed Taki.

    Taki! cried Nitro-Gene. Were not enemies! Of course hell trust us...uh, right? he pleaded.

    Well maybe not you now that your opened your trap, spat Die-Ceratops, but Asterix laughed again.

    We know about malicious beings, dont worry! So what will you do, my friends, for so I call you? he asked.

    How about this? Taki said. Ill go into the village, and bring back some supplies, while you go with the gauls. Im quite quick, and stealthy. You should know that, she added with a chuckle.

    Well guys? said Flick. Decide on it.


    Team 1 Health
    Die-Ceratops Re-Invertus - 97%
    Push Me Pull You - 96%
    Flick of the Wrist - 96%
    Nitro-Gene 4.0 - 70%

    Items in Stock
    None yet

    Party Members and Health
    Taki - 96%

    Make a decision: go with the gauls altogether, go risk going back to Lutetia together with the amulet, or give Taki the amulet to get stuff in Lutetia, and go with the gauls?


    Team 2

    Lets help the poor thing, said NSBFR-X. I mean, we cant use it amongst us.

    Nidhogg grumbled, but then said: Oh all right. But if he doesnt get any decent srimechs, hes toast.

    NSBFR-X grunted in response to this, as Clawdius administered the Tool Kit to the broken robot. As suddenly as though a flash of light had illuminated the cavern, Mechavore was renewed and ready for action...whatever action there could be in this dingy cell.

    Why did you do that? cried Mechavore, and the party were surprised to hear a female voice echoing through the cavern. It was all over for me, whyd you save me?

    Because we hoped that you could tell us something, said Clawdius. And arent you male?

    No, my team gave me a female gender, or so that Battlebots mag said, said Mechavore.

    Nidhogg wasnt too happy, though. Well, any bright ideas guys?

    Lets try the walls instead, said Tengu, and smashed into one. There was no big CRASH, however a large chunk had been taken out of the thick wall. Mechavore was surprised by this.

    Howd you do that? she asked weakly. Ive tried to smash pretty much every damn thing in sight trying to break out, but I couldnt do that!

    I deal out thousands of joules per blow, Tengu replied smugly. The bars seem to withstand it, but these walls - - Tengu gestured to the chunk taken out of the wall - - dont.

    So...we might get out of here after all? Tsunami asked.

    It certainly seems so, said Clawdius, for the cell next to us is open. Try again, Alex!

    With pleasure, growled the full-body spinner as it slammed into the area where the chunk had been taken out. This time only a mere gash had been struck through. Mechavore however decided to help out as well, and spinning up her blade she struck the newly-created gash. This time another chunk, yet smaller came out.

    Blimey, said Nidhogg, as though he would never have thought of this. Its working.

    I love how you keep doubting me, Joey, Tengu snarled as he struck again. This time, a hole could be seen on the other side, which Mechavore immediately cleaved into.

    I dont doubt you, I just doubt the method, Nidhogg snapped back.

    I cant believe it, Im actually tearing the walls up, Mechavore muttered.

    You couldnt before? said NSBFR-X, as Tengu roared in on the widening hole again.

    Nope. I guess I was already at low health when they threw me in here, replied Mechavore, moving in and smacking the now large opening.

    Will you join us, though? said NSBFR-X. Were trying to reclaim someones identity and return it to them.

    Thats kinda freaky, said Mechavore. But sure, Ive nothing better to do.

    I can get through, guys! Tengu called, now on the other side.

    But, uh, we cant, called Clawdius, his beak too tall to get through, even when clamped down.

    Fine, Ill try opening the cell from the other side, thats where the lock is, said Tengu, tackling the open door of the next cell and spinning up to attack their cell door.

    Oi! Whats all that crashing I hear? Keep it down over there! snarled a voice.

    Oh crud, theyve heard us, muttered Tengu.

    Never mind, just keep at it! shouted NSBFR-X.

    Tengu smashed against the bars repeatedly, each time with a resounding CRASH! Whether it was because the way the door opened, or because the armour of the bars was less on Tengus side, the bars gave way after several blows, just as a guard popped in.

    OI! GET BACK IN YOUR CELL! screamed the guard, just as the cell opened and the party started to escape. Tengu turned her attention to approaching guard, who suddenly stopped in his tracks as he caught sight of the emerging prisoners. As he made to turn back and call the others, Tengu smote him aside with one blow, annihilating him.

    Neat work, Alex, said NSBFR-X. You look tired, though.

    Never mind me, just get the hell out of here, Ill follow, Tengu panted.

    What about the prisoners? said Mechavore. Surely you didnt only intend to save little ol me?

    And sure enough, there was a hub-bub of voices from the cells, as some prisoners came to the door of the cell.

    HEY! LET ME OUT! PLEASE! IVE BEEN HERE FOR OVER 2 WEEKS! cried a frail voice from the back.

    Err, should we just yet? said Clawdius. We really should take out the Romans first, otherwise we could get them killed.

    But they could help us, said Tsunami.

    Not in the condition they appear to be in, and Im out of Tool Kits, smirked Clawdius.

    They could die, and I dont want that to happen! said Mechavore.

    Meh, muttered Nidhogg.

    So whats the plan, guys? Find out where the Romans are and attack, or free this lot? said NSBFR-X.




    Team 2 Health
    Clawdius Decimus Murderous - 88%
    Tengu VII - 56%
    NSBFR-X - 92%
    Nidhogg - 70%

    Items in Stock
    None yet

    Party Members and Health
    Tsunami - 95%
    Mechavore - 91%

    Find and attack them Romans, or free the prisoners? Your choice.

  6. #236

  7. I say we do both and free all the prisoners to attack the Romans

  8. #238
    can I do something plz?

  9. #239
    What something is that Martijn?

  10. #240

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