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Thread: Team Zlayerz RPG: Identity Theft!

  1. #101

  2. flip em, flip em, flip em!

  3. #104

  4. Soon, soon, I had just placed this at the bottom of my priorities list for the past while. I will update it shortly. Sorry about that.

  5. #106
    Again, sorry for lack of updates. :sad: I should have another update up by the end of the day.

  6. #107

    Surrender the renegade, NOW! ordered one of the ninjabots.
    Clawdius and NSBFR-X turned to each other for a moment, then turned back to the ninjabots.
    Would you like a plain answer? said NSBFR-X.
    Or would a good, old-fashioned bot-kicking spell our answer out? finished Clawdius.
    The ninjabots growled in response to that remark. Their discs spun up quickly, and they made a beeline straight for the heroes without another word.
    I guess it cant be settled peacefully, then, sniffed Die-Ceratops. Whatever. Prepare to be annihilated!
    But before any of the others could move, Tengu had already blasted out from the pack. Careening straight towards the first Fu-Ma ninjabot, Alex spun the blades up dangerously, and just was able to hit the completely exposed wheel before taking a hit himself, sending the ninjabot flying with an amputated wheel. The other four closed in around Tengu, but then the other heroes swarmed in and the fight went quite ugly. Tsunami was able to tip over one, but took a gash in the side when he got too close as it tipped over. Tengu took out another ninjabot, sustaining absolutely no damage, severing both wheels this time, while Flick impaled a wheel of yet another, and NSBFR-X took the back of the ninjabot and shoved its disc into the floor.
    The hit sent it flying, disc removed and landing with a clatter nearby. Then all the heroes converged upon the final one, who seemed to be twitching slightly.
    The devils curse upon you! screamed the ninjabot. I shall be avenged! With that he charged straight for Taki, only to be smashed by Tengu, and sent flying with his fellows.
    Thank you, I could not have chosen better companions, remarked Taki with approval.
    €œEh, it was no trouble,€ said PMPY.
    Ooh, are you alright, Tsunami? said Tengu, going over to the German bot (careful to stop blades first).
    €œI€™ll live,€ said Tsunami with a bit of a groan.
    €œWell, where do we head to next? To where that king ninja lives?€ Flick asked the obvious question.
    €œI guess so, there€™s nothing else I can think of doing at any rate,€ said NSBFR-X, and he turned to Taki. €œWhere he does reside again?€
    Taki turned and faced in a direction somewhat ahead and somewhat to their left, thick with trees and other forest flora, though some brick wall could be seen a long, long way ahead. €œOver there, in Ohmi. He rules the city with an iron fist. He is cold-blooded, and ruthless. I should know. I...worked for him once...€ She turned away from them.
    €œNow, now, me dear,€ said Clawdius. €œIt€™s what we do right now that€™ll really determine what everybody€™s motives are.€ He raised his beak to its fullest extent. €œEverybody, are we ready?€
    €œYou bet we are!€ cried Flick.
    €œTsunami, you sure you€™ll okay enough with that?€ said Clawdius.
    €œLike I said, I€™ll live,€ said Tsunami roughly.
    €œThen let us go!€ shouted the Scottish crusher loudly, and everybody made their way towards the nearby city.


    €œOkay, we€™re nearly there,€ said Die-Ceratops. They were on the outskirts of a decent-sized citadel, very tall yet menacing and full of shadow and malice. They approached now warily.
    €œSo tell me, will this emperor or King or whatever guy have a heavy guard around him?€ asked Tengu.
    €œNaturally,€ said Taki. €œYet he is tougher than they are.€
    €œHeads up,€ said PMPY. €œWe€™ve got company.€
    PMPY was right. About a dozen ninjabots were guarding the nearby gate. They looked quite menacing, with great spears alongside katanas.
    €œUgh, the patrolmen,€ moaned Taki. €œThey are quite difficult to defeat, this from my own experiences with them. They are not pushovers.€
    €œWell what do you suggest?€ growled Die-Ceratops. €œIt€™s the only way in.€
    Taki laughed. €œYou forget with whom you are speaking to. I know every inch of this kingdom, and there is more than one way into the kingdom, and out of it.€
    €œWell then why did you lead us here?€ said NSBFR-X, albeit confused.
    €œTo show you that I was not lying about the gate being heavily guarded,€ explained the ninjabot.
    €œAnd there is a secret passage, is there?€ Clawdius was suspicious.
    €œThere is, and unless you wish to be carved up by those unsightly swords and spears, you will have to trust me,€ said Taki.
    €œWhat do you think about this, guys?€ said PMPY.


    Fu-Ma Guard Ninjabot x 12
    Shape: Low box
    Weight: 200kg
    Speed: 15mph
    Armour: 5mm hardox
    Weaponry: Front pneumatic axe shaped like katana, and rear spike.
    Srimech: Invertible.

    Items in Stock
    3 x Tool Kit
    1 x Power Boost

    Party Members


    What will you do? Will you trust Taki the ninja and enter the secret passage, or will you engage in a possibly futile attempt to storm the front gate?

    (Message edited by kodster on February 28, 200

  7. #108
    Well they weight twice as much as us, so it can be presumed they are pretty potent. Ill go for the secret passage.... or smash my own hole in the wall further down if that doesnt work out.

  8. #109

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