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Thread: Big wheels on a heavyweight

  1. #101

  2. #102
    Back on Big Wheels: Im not sure Thunderrings are the biggest. Anyone remember a series 4 robot called Saw Point ? HUGE saw blades for wheels. Or Demolition Man...

  3. #103
    I dont remember Demolition Man but I remember Sawpoint and Im pretty sure Thundering trounces them quite easily. IIRC Sawpoint was a reasonably low-bodied machine (not flat as a pancake but not really tall) but from the pic, Thundering looks massive.

    Nice looking hammer Craig

  4. #104
    remember demolition man, kaned it in series 6, not that bigger wheels to be honest.


  5. #105
    Picture on profile, I just did a test on the drive for the Big wheel project, the intermediate shaft for the drive bent, this happened when I went from full right turn to full left hand turn!

    It is 12mm silver steel I am going to make it out of 17mm silver steel that should do the trick. Is anyone having problems getting to Technobots website I find its not loading?:sad:

  6. #106
    yea i am craig, thats i am having trouble craig not i am craig, even thou i am craig

    you get what i mean

  7. #107
    Its working for me Craig...and Craig.

  8. #108
    Perhaps Technobots dose not like Craigs!! is this Craigism?:sad:

  9. #109
    shall we sue? lol, no to much of that round here

  10. #110
    No I forgive them,

    I nearly got on their website this morning but as I was about to pay, the thing froze again, I have emailed them hope that works!!!

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