Prcis€™s of proceedings of the 17th meeting of the FRA governing body

These are bullet points only. Certain items have been omitted to protect individuals identities or when talks with other parties are not complete.

Matters ar

1. Presentation of new 2.4 ghz radio rules to concur with the current use of this equipment.

2. AGM minutes approved with slight rewrite to make accurate

How ever to reflect the majority of members present to change the featherweight weight from 12KG to 13.6 KG including any consumables (gas) was voted on and endorsed.

From the 1st January 2008 13.6KG including consumables can be used in Europe and replaces the 12KG limit.

3. Proposal to bring the heavyweight weight to 100KG including consumables(gas)

The Governing body concluded that the proposal had merit as it would tie in with the new featherweight ruling and give a world common standard for weights.

How ever it was decided to go to the membership for consultation first either by written submission via the members regional chairperson( FRA forum contact page) or

Consultation period to end 31/12/2007

It is believed that this would affect 5/6 machines only

Should the consultation be positive the governing body does not envisage the change in weight until 01/01/2009 for this weight class.

4. FRA membership fees for 2008 to remain the same as 2007 at £10 per team up to 31/3/2008 and there after for previous and existing members £20 per team.
Overseas and new members subscription remains at £10 for application at any time of the year.

An appeal for donations for improving the FRA champions trophies would be made when the year end and subscription reminder is sent out.

5. Member proposed rule changes.

A. To change electrical voltage from 36 volt RMS to 48 Volt RMS was deferred until the new standards for low electrical voltages come out (Approx Jan 200

B. To allow pressurized suction of hydraulic systems has been deferred for further technical appraisal with the proposer.

C. Rewrite of pneumatic rules to clear up confusion between pressure regulators and pressure reliefs and where they are to be used.

D. Rewrite of rule 6.3.2 link rule. For certain machines there will be a requirement for a second link. ( this affects very few machines )

E. Arena guideline document name to change to €œArena minimum regulations and guidelines€

This is to reflect the fact there are now dimensions written into the document.

6.A123 trial progress report.

Balancing for heavyweight style packs is still a potential problem.(10 cells)

Three featherweight teams have applied to join the A123 trial it was concluded that the trials for featherweights should not be held.

From the 01/01/2008 A123 style cells for featherweights are approved for use, with the following ctiteria.

Maximum of seven cell packs with proprietary chargers and balancers.

A rule rewrite to reflect this change will be carried out at a later date.

7. The governing body is to issue papers for event organisers to tender for the Fighting Robot featherweight and heavyweight championships for 2008 to reflect that there are more event organisers operating this year.

8. It was agreed that formal robot tech training would be held at the FRA headquarters with a view to rewrite the Tech check sheets to reflect modern practises and recent rule changes.

9. It is proposed that certain gas types be removed from the list of gases.

Argon, Nitrogen and other inert gases would be removed from the rules.

It is also proposed that HPA (high pressure air) be removed from the list subject to consultation with any interested member teams. If you have an interest in HPA robots please mail are currently no known machines using HPA in Europe.

FRA member AGM minutes will be posted in the minutes section soon

Full 17th meeting minutes will not be posted until written up and approved/ amended by the delegates.

(Message edited by scorpion on October 15, 2007)