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Thread: Changing the fron of my robot

  1. #1
    hi all

    at the wales event i think that psycho fling performed the best it ever has, and to say after a large make over we didnt have that many problems. although i thin i might change all the battery connectors to anderson ones, good idea?
    also i relised that the front of my robot wont stand up to much but the rest of the armour did resonable well. the armour is 3mm aluminium and either screwed, bolted or rivetted on. the front is rivetted. i would quite like to to improve the strength of the front as it can if i dont drive well self inflict damage.

    the question is what material should i lokk at, thickness, and how to mount it? ( I do have near by welding facilities) and how much would this cost?

    hope this is clear, i know my posts can sometimes be a bit messy

    thanks alex

  2. #2
    I don€™t know how big your machine is but a bit of hardox wont cost you that much and nothing can touch it (yet). There is lots of it about so an advert in the wanted section would sort you out.

    If you haven€™t got much weight left available, then titanium it is but I have found this is harder to acquire, as there is no such thing as scrap titanium due to the cost.


  3. #3
    Changing to anderson connectors is a good idea. We have just changed all of the connectors in our robots to them and they are much better and more reliable.


  4. #4
    I prefer using ring crimping connectors unless its on my batteries where I use andersons.

  5. #5
    well the anderson connectors have worked for the link well. would you be able to bend/shape ti or hardox? im guessing you cant but never know!

    thanks alex

  6. #6

  7. depends on your equiptment or strength. Grade 2 titanium is easy enough to bend as long as its not too thick, dont even try grade 5 (it will snap). If your looking to bend hardox, i wouldnt even try, I have done it a fair few times, but it takes ALOT of work - its simpler to just weld the other angle on.
    Why dont you try adding a weapon to the front instead of armour? Will make things a little more interesting (15 feathers out of 19 at champs were pushers, gets a little boring to watch and fight).

  8. #8
    it did/does have a lifter on it, and did at wales but it was a matter of timing it perfect very hard
    i have some ideas on how i could perphaps improve it slightly-will post later with diagrams

    do you know of any fabrication companies, suitable for the purpose?

    thanks alex

  9. #9
    i have uploaded an image to my site, from the side point of view the middle section will lift up the left and right are stainory but same length as lifter pannel

    robot improvements

    thanks alex

  10. #10
    If you try and bend hardox good luck. The only way I have ever bent it (accidentally) was either through standing in the middle of a large sheet supported at both ends or when i attacked a piece with hornet 2.

    You will need a press with a good few tons to do the job.

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