Hi, Im Eugene in Singapore. Im among a bunch of aspiring robotic warriors and we are having a wild time with John Finlay who is in town to host the fighting robot workshop for a whole 5-days session. we are into the 3rd day today. Yesterday was a day of mayhem.. we had our robots, all built up of cardboards, equipped with servo & all and tearing limps off each other in the arena. Was fun & exciting. We are hoping we will have the opportunity to continue into the future & maybe have our own official Robot War TV show in Singapore. We are all excited to proceed on to built larger, heavier & meaner robots as we go along. One day we will have to fly up to the UK with our robots & fight our way to robot war in UK.. who knows.. time will tell.

We are about to start building 12kg feather weights, with weapons, we are decideing on whats best... axe, flipper, or lifter, or crusher... we are using an electric motor.
