Wont happen. Already been discussed to death, but if it did return, what format should it take?

Should it return to the games and battle format of series 1-2, or the pure battle format that we have last seen? Of course, games could always be used as side tournaments, like the Football/Sumo and Pinball of series 3-4.

What about having each Heat as a six robot Annihilator? Of course, Im sure roboteers would object to this.

Prize money. It definately has to be there. They did in series 7, but I suggest they need to take it a little bit further. Each Semi-Finalist (16 Heats?) would receive 500 pounds, and the Grand Finalist would recieve a 7K prize.
This comes to to only 15 Thousand, which Im sure is hardly expensive for a big TV company!

(I also think that winners of the end of series prizes should receive some amount of money in order to encourage original designs)

As regards the presentation of the show. We definately need to ditch the WWE style crowd taunting from the presenter, and sure, the fake roboteer grudges were funny in Extreme (I especially loved My granny hates them), but RW 4 was the series before the presentation fell apart. RW6 and 7 made it even worse by giving away results with those stupid previews.

Some more technical details on the robots would be nice. Battlebots got it right as far as technical details were concerned (though I dont want to see RW with twenty minutes of pre match football style hype)

Anything else? Thoughts?