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Thread: Wars Incarnate III: Tag Team Tantrum

  1. #1
    Well this has saddly seemed to be the end of the section....but Im going to give one last weak attempt at getting this place back on its feet. Not only am I going to resume the VGC, but yes, you guessed it, Ive ressurected the worst tournament there is, and this time, its tag teams!

    OK: rules are simple, enter two teams of two, they do not have to be matched in anyway, they just have to be things. They fight at the same time, none of the actual tagging malarchy....

    Anyways...get thinking... you have a week to get your entries in....

  2. #2
    the end?... meh, Ill finish my tournament as Ive said, after Im done preparing my first year at the university, which Im quite busy with, so fan fic is not dead as far as Im concerned

    anyway, I like this idea a lot, and Im in!

    after I thought of my entries... lol

  3. #3
    Pee-Wee Herman and Sweet Tooth the psycho clown [from the Twisted Metal series, complete with his ice cream truck!]
    Jim Carrey [With his god powers seen in Bruce Almighty] and Mike Myers [as Austin Powers]
    THIS ought to be good...

    (Message edited by Swiss_tony on August 18, 2006)

  4. #4
    Ill get past silver place this time for sure!

    1) Dr Ivo Robotnik (Sonic the Hedgehog, classic design) & Professor Vengeance (me)
    2) Thomas the Tank Engine & The Mad Hatter (Batman: The Animated Series)

    This is sure to make us go out with a bang, Alexio! :wink:

  5. #5
    Pee-wee Herman and Sweet Tooth the Psycho Clown
    Bruce (Almighty) and Austin Powers

  6. #6
    Knightrous Oxide (Me) & Lord Roper (Tom)
    Ichigo (From the anime series Bleach) & Mugen (From the anime series Samurai Champloo)

    If you need stats and stuff, MSN me Alexia

  7. #7
    Steve: Either a bang or a slightly embarrassing squelch.....

    Pee-wee Herman and Sweet Tooth the Psycho Clown
    Bruce (Almighty) and Austin Powers

    Knightrous Oxide (Me) & Lord Roper (Tom)
    Ichigo (From the anime series Bleach) & Mugen (From the anime series Samurai Champloo)

    Dr Ivo Robotnik (Sonic the Hedgehog, classic design) & Professor Vengeance (me)
    Thomas the Tank Engine & The Mad Hatter (Batman: The Animated Series)

  8. #8

  9. #9
    oehoe, Ive decided my first team

    man Im inspiration-less

    The 10th planet of our solar system and Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer

  10. #10

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