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Thread: Msn annoying kid spam alert.

  1. #1

  2. team_ireland
    I would just like to defend myself here i am Ian The Irish Guy. It was not me who gave your name out. I do not even have that contact in my contacts list. I am sure mario ment no harm. But it has been a policy of mine not to give addresses of other roboteers out without their express permission or to someone who i know you already know.

    Also for clarity my name is Ian McDonald. Not Ian Coady or what ever he said.

    Jeroen, lets just be thankful Msn Invented a block button.

    Ian McDonald

  3. #3
    Then Ian im sure that its not you hes on about! Im sure theres more than on person called Ian whos Irish. Dont take it personally cos im pretty sure its not you as you dont even have the same surname as the one thats annoying him!

  4. #4

  5. 14 hes more like 6, with some of the insults he comes out with! and bufflo is in New york!!!

  6. #6
    when someone wants you to send them a e-mail out of the blue that means that when you send the e-mail they can hack into and get all the contacts from your msn and keep doing it.

  7. #7

  8. team_ireland
    Jeroen and Bex, Sorry if i sounded bad, but i just posted to give a Its not me warning to clear my good name.

  9. #10

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