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Thread: Mechanical Noise - Series 1

  1. #281
    ok guys, 2 tactics to go

  2. #282
    My spatula is very low, so if I do manage to get under it, take the oppertunity, and then axe its underbelly.

    If it doesnt get it over however, bludgeon with the hit and run tactics that black panther uses normally. Get a few blows in but speed away before retaliation.

  3. #283

  4. #284
    If Salamander III in the C&BT2 could do it, imagine what Psyclonized can do...

  5. #285
    Grand Finals
    Fight 1

    Disco 5 vs Psyclonised

    3€¦ 2€¦ 1€¦ Activate!

    AND THE GRAND FINALS ARE OFF! Only four robots are left in this competition, and in this fight we see arguably the two most destructive among them. Disco5 stands tall with its classic wedge shape and devastating vertical disc, and Psyclonised looks dangerous with that big spinning cage all around him. Martyn€™s tactics involve relentless attacks with the disc, so he the first one to leave the mark while Psycolined still spins up. Psyclonised tries to get away but there€™s no escaping today!
    Disc meets ring, what a blow that was! A quick damage-check is done by the contenders, but there is no damage that meets the eye. Disco backs off to get the disc spinning again, whereas Andy tries to sneak to the side of his nemesis. Martyn tries to prevent Psyclonised from succeeding this evil plan, but he is too late!
    Psyclonised hammers rattle against the titanium ribs that hold Disco together. Most of them snap, but the hammers slow down too. Disco drives away, but a trace of destruction can be seen at its side. Disco steers away now, straight towards the pit-release button. Psyclonised gives chase, and Martyn suddenly has a very confident smile on his face, what is he up to? The faster Psyclonised is almost within arm length of Disco, WHEN DISCO SUDDENLY TURNS AROUND! Both weapons meet again, at full speed this time. And instead of the two machines flying away, it looks as if Disco€™s weapon has dug its way underneath Psyclonised ring. In fact, they€™re stuck! Neither weapon spins, but Psyclonised does have its wheels lifted off the ground. Martyn makes the most of it and rushes in a straight line towards the wall.
    Psyclonised is banged against the wall, and still stuck on Disco€™s disc. Martyn turns his bot around in search of another wall, but soon discovers the current link between his bot and Andy€™s isn€™t designed to maneuver around very well. Psyclonised falls off Disco and Andy is can be seen breathing again. Time to spin up your weapons gentleman! Andy is taking this advice happily, but Martyn seems to be hesitating. Is there some odd reason for Martyn not to spin up his weapon? Or is it the collision with Psyclonised that jammed it in some way? It seems to be the last option, and suddenly things aren€™t looking all too well for Martyn! Disco once again rushes towards the pit-release button; will Martyn pull another trick out of his hat? The answer is plain and simple; no. PRUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUT. The pit descends, and Psyclonised turns on the aggression. Martyn is aware of this, but he is too late!
    Psyclonised hits the already damaged side of Disco, and injures it even further. Disco recovers as fast as it can and turns his wedge towards Psyclonised. The wedge comes in and the flipper goes up€¦ and meets the hammers!
    Psyclonised is€¦ well€¦ inverted now, but Andy doesn€™t really care. Disco however is in a worse state, his flipper almost ripped off. Psyclonised comes in again. Disco tries too flee, but he doesn€™t move as smoothly as he used to do€¦
    And another deathblow is to be seen. Can this be the final blow? There€™s not much life left in Disco€¦The judges start counting 1€¦ 2€¦ 3€¦ 4€¦ 5€¦ 6€¦ 7€¦ 8€¦ 9€¦ 10€¦


    Disco 5 has been beaten into submission

    Coming next
    Who will join Psyclonised in the Grand Grand Final?

    Black Panther Queen vs Wedge Devolution

    Gimme your predictions, gimme your tactics, gimme your thoughts

  6. #286
    w00t w00t W00T! Amazing fight there Marti!

  7. #287
    Grand Finals
    Fight 2

    Black Panther Queen vs Wedge Devolution

    3€¦ 2€¦ 1€¦ Activate!

    Off we go. Where yesterday€™s match had two spinners going against each other, today we see the two most successful flippers of this tournament facing off. One of them, Wedge Devolution, is a classic, skirted wedge, whereas the other, Black Panther Queen, is more of a pyramid, equipped with a powerful axe. It€™s the latter that leaves the mark first and speeds towards Wedge Devo. Steve fears his opponent€™s offensive abilities and tries to stay out of the Queen€™s reach, but the Queen is just too fast€¦
    Down comes the axe, right on top of Wedge, and Black Panther reverses. This is hit and run as we now it from Black Panther Queen, a tactic that served Alex quite well during this tournament. Wedge Devo, dented, gives chase to the axebot. Alex can€™t keep running forever, but with Wedge driving in his direction, he can€™t afford to make a mistake. Black Panther Queen slowly halts for another face off with the flipper. Steve skilfully drives diagonally towards the Queen though, to ram his wedge underneath the corner of her Majesty€™s skirt. Alex didn€™t anticipate on this and what do ya know, Wedge is underneath! Steve turns his creation into an effective rambot and carries Black Panther Queen forward a meter or so, before firing that mighty flipper! Alex pyramid-shaped robot gains some airtime before landing, on his back. Steve seeks advantage, but the Queen€™s srimech proves very efficient and self-rights her in no time. Black Panther now finds Wedge Devo at her back, and she quickly flicks her axe back-and-forth to give the VFT-champ a good clobbering before he can do anything. And again, Black Panther Queen drives away straight after the hit. Steve is getting pretty much tired of this tactic, and gives chase again. Black Panther Queen makes a quick U-turn, slowing her down compared to Wedge who drives in a straight line and rams the side skirts. He doesn€™t penetrate them straight away, but after pushing the Queen a bit the bent bottom of Wedge€™s flipper slowly penetrate the Queen€™s side. The flipper moves up again, and so does the Queen. She€™s inverted now and Steve is closing in, and fires the flipper again! Steve is on the offensive now, but the back-on-her-wheels Queen isn€™t scared. She manoeuvres her way to Wedge€™s side, and seeks to penetrate HIS skirts now! At a first glance she seems to fail, but another pound on Wedge€™s top ticks him off-balance a bit, and the Queen€™s spatula slide under Wedge€™s side skirt! FLIP! Wedge moves though the air now, though it becomes clear that Black Panther Queen€™s flipper is slightly weaker than Wedge€™s. Alex doesn€™t care, he has Wedge right where he wants him. Wedge fires his flipper, but not before Black Panther fires her axe!
    The axe hits Wedge€™s underbelly, and Wedge is still stuck on his back! Not only that, his underbelly is sliced! Steve starts to sweat, and fires his srimech again, simultaneous to Black Panher€™s axe! This axe-blow however comes down under a less effective corner, and Wedge self-rights effectively, only to get hit by another axe-blow, straight on top of his flipper! Steve turns on the aggression again and rams his flipper (which doesn€™t look very much like the Hardox sheet Steve once bought anymore with all those dents) underneath Black Panther Queen€™s front (who once again deals a successful axe-blow in the meantime) and flips her up and over.

    10€¦ 9€¦ 8€¦ 7€¦

    The clock starts ticking, Wedge comes in.

    6€¦ 5€¦ 4€¦

    The Queen self-rights, just in time.

    3€¦ 2€¦ 1€¦

    Wedge hurries forward!


    OMG, what a battle this was! There€™s no time left, but the two machines are still moving, what will the judges say?!
    The judges walk down towards the arena floor, where they inspect the damage done to Wedge€™s belly.

    Damage: Black Panther Queen ((6 out of 10)*2=12)
    Wedge Devolution ((2 out of 10)*2=4)
    Aggression: Black Panther Queen ((8 out of 10)*1.5=12)
    Wedge Devolution ((8 out of 10)*1.5=12)
    Control: Black Panther Queen ((7 out of 10)*1=7)
    Wedge Devolution ((7 out of 10)*1=7)
    Style: Black Panther Queen ((6 out of 10)*0.5=3)
    Wedge Devolution ((7 out of 10)*0.5=3.5)

    Black Panther Queen: 12+12+7+3=34
    Wedge Devolution: 4+12+7+3.5=26.5

    Wedge Devolution couldn€™t impress the judges


    ff6000>but first€¦

    Coming next

    Disco 5 vs Wedge Devolution

    Gimme your predictions, gimme your tactics, gimme your thoughts

  8. #288

    Nah, its okay. Looks like a good final line-up!

    Disco 5 vs. Wedge Devolution

    I think Disco 5s weaponry will serve him well here against Wedge Devo. Disco 5 FTW.


    Oh boy, the one of the other three Psyclonised didnt want to face. Still, its pretty much in Psycloniseds favour. If BPQ hits Psyclonized with the axe from afar, that will still allow Psy to spin up deadly fast. BPQ needs to get in quick and fast, and weve already seen that Disco 5 has done that and failed miserably. I dont think BPQ can win this one.


  9. #289
    Ooh... BPs doign very well here - here the tactics can be basically summed up in constant harassing - eveyr flip and axe blow will be done and everythign will be as continuous as possible - charge straight in and just keep attacking with each weapon alternatly to prevent them getting up to speed. If he does... run away.If I am forced to ram him at any point, lift the flipper up to do it so it isnt damaged.

  10. #290
    Woohoo! This has been a great tournament Martijn, and I€™ll be back for Series 2 regardless of the final result. And for that, lets break some things down a bit.

    One thing in my favour is that I€™m around 9mph slower than Black Panther Queen. This works greatly in my favour, as I am therefore much better at accelerating, spinning up and coming in for the kill.

    Next is the armour, regardless of it€™s fancy name - it is aluminium at the end of the day, and at that just 5mm thick. Psyclonised isn€™t just there for show; it can do some serious damage to extremes such as Titanium and even Hardox. The hammers are going to go through this bot like a knife through hot butter.

    All the extra gimmicks like the skirts and flipper are there just to be eaten. Flipping this bot is completely useless - that€™s the whole point of the design. Another aspect of this bot being that if for some chance the ring is slowed down long enough to get a shot it, the bars act very much like Tornado€™s bars to stop axes and crushers getting an effective shot in.

    And if a shot comes in - big deal, I€™ve got over 3mm of Hardox on top to stop the thing doing any damage. The wheels are solid enough to hold their own, but BPQ will be damn lucky to get an accurate shot in on them and cause them harm. Anyway, rubber is a shock absorber as it is.

    All in all, there is just one thing to do - use my superior acceleration to get away and spin up to the danger zone and then just take that robot apart piece by piece. Oh, and one extra note, if for some odd reason the ring becomes disabled, then I have four or five times more pushing power than the Queen, so I just need to simply push it into danger.

    For the playoffs, I€™ll choose Disco 5 to prevail over Wedge Devo due to its higher destructibility factor.

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