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Thread: The X-bots

  1. #1
    So I finished the Oddestsey and already Im doing more, basically it stemmed from me completing X-men Legends, and a conversation with Steve. Its basically some little stories about vapours that will begin after Im back from holiday (1 week, starting on Sunday). Its kinda odd, and if you have a suggestion bout a plotline, just tell me in some way, I already have some things lined up beyond what Ive written down here though, so do bear that in mind if I dont chose to do that.

    The X-bots

    In a not too distant future, new bots are developing, compared to the rest of botdom these machines have capabilities far in excess of average robots. But the average roboteer, filled with paranoia about their lovingly crafted machines being trashed to little tiny pieces by these new machines. There is a deep fear that due to their superior powers they€™ll lash out against the rest of botdom. Many of these new bots are willing to destroy the rest of the robots to gain acceptance, but one small group of these new bots: the x-bots, seeks to build an understanding between old bots and the new. Oh and smash up lots of things in the process. They are the X-bots.

    Tengu aka. Tangerine
    Has retractable blades coming from its chassis, and rapidly regenerates any damage done to it, at some point in its forgotten past someone has coated all of its chassis and blades in the unbreakable metal adamantium. The greatest mystery is that why wasn€™t it made out of this stuff to begin with.

    Black Panther aka. Shadow panther
    This cool cat has the ability to become intangible at will, to drive through walls or other solid objects as if they weren€™t even there! Then it can just return to normal to strike before escaping once more.

    Baldur aka. Colbotus
    Somehow manages to turn its armour even harder than it was previously, no one knows how, or what the point it, but it becomes supremely strong. And shiny. Is so hard already he rarely bothers to use its power.

    Scaramanga aka. Fightcrawler
    Despite looking somewhat evil, this robot is dedicated to good. This flipper robot has an amazing ability, it can disappear in a blast of smoke and teleport to somewhere else leaving just a oily smelling cloud where it was.

    And bringing them all together is€¦.

    Archangel of the Abyss aka. Professor A
    After his wheels were broken early on in his existence, he has to move around on legs, making him slow and ungainly. But this belies his own immense powers, his incredible processor allows him to take control of other robots, but he is dedicated to the cause of good. Which is just as well, as he is perhaps one on the most powerful robots in existence.

    Coming soon€¦.

    Issue 1#
    The Generic Overpowered Rammers Attack!

    In America there is great fear about the powers of the new bots, and paranoia is reaching fever pitch. Due to this congress gives power to the military, taking advantage of this the deranged General Shepard unleashes a hoard of Generic Overpowered Rammers to wipe out the news bots. Driven by the pure fury of numbers these machines seek to repetitively ram all robots with features that cannot be summed up in numerical form until they break. Only the X-bots can save them, but will they be too late€¦.

  2. #2

  3. #3
    But thats just dull, and the onlt similaraity is in name. Archangel the x-man is quite lame.

  4. #4
    **Issue 1#
    The Generic Overpowered Rammers Attack!**

    ahum... do these happen to be the robotic Brotherhood of Evil Mutants?

    anyway, I like this idea alot, I happen to own a hell of a lot X-Men comics right here, and I dare saying Ive got quite alot basic info on characters and past storylines here in me head, Id love helping you out on some points if youd want me to

  5. #5
    Sentinels actually, Im still working on the pun-names for the brotherhood, although sabertooth is definatly sorted. But when I get back and get this running your help would definalty be welcome, basically what Im going on in my own knowledge based on the cartoon series, films, x men legends and the dk encylopedia of xmen, so any stuff actually from the comics would be very useful.

  6. #6
    lol, the comices are the REAL superhero world , ungoing adventures since 1963, while the cartoon and films were made way later, mainly to reach out for a bigger audience

    I must confess I didnt see the movie, but I DID see the cartoons, some of the storylines over there were nice remakes from the real storylines...

    Id love to see your version of Sabretooth btw

    well, Id love to help ya out, but not next week, Ill be on a vacation then (a Robotwars camp actually )

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