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Thread: The Norman Sheppard Tribute Tournament

  1. #581
    as MiniForce rams into Toe Crusher, pushing it into Typhoon Thunder, as it is now up to speed, as the right hand wheel have been semi-ripped off, as Tony is trying to turn, but another hit from Typhoon Thunder, removes the wheels completely.
    A wheel gone in one hit from a spinner, TWICE in a row? WTF? I think I deserve to know the meaning of that, as Toe Crushers wheels are from what I can remember, pretty durable.

    Xenophobia: THis should be good, considering Hell Boys weak armor. Go for the sides and tear it to shreds.
    Conundrum: Crap, the champion...Oh well, aim for any vunrable areas and such and try NOT to be pitted.
    Knee Breaker: Being unable to find stats of TSS, hard to say. Considering how well my weapon worked agisnt Hell Fire, Ill basically just go all out, and if he opens the pit, start spinning around so hes forced to take a hit from me, then retreat and spin again, and repeat until cease is called.
    Atomic: Get to the sides and flip it OOTA?

  2. #582

  3. #583
    I dont recall Hell Fire coming second in any MW comp, maybe my memory is just crap.

    Xenophobia, dunno much about, Ill just have to try and do as much damage as I can with the disc.

    Hell Hound vs. Typhoon Thunder:
    Im keeping the singular claw, as the double claw will go either side of the sloped cone. The cutters on Typhoon look a lot less damaging than the ones on it big brother, so I shouldnt take too much damage, plus Im a fair bit quicker, so I can get under it before it spins up (I also noticed its spin up time is slow) and put the claw through, and put it into a CPZ or the pit.

    Hells Angel vs. Kinetic energy:
    Info on KE please

    Hell Machine vs. The Disc

    Thankfully, the way my scoop is, it should tkae the wheels off the floor before the dsic comes anywhere near my front end, and ill have to pin it down with the axe and drag it to anywhere to cause damage, or put it down the pit. Outpushing it is the best way to do it, and the robots shape is fairly well delt with by the front shape. but Ill avoid going side on, even though if it did go flat on to my sides the disc wouldnt reach (if my understanding is right).

  4. #584
    Tanto 3 vs. Storm 2

    Tough, but Tanto€™s power advantage could be the winning factor.

    The Disc 5 vs. Hell Machine (17)

    Should be another good fight but I€™ll tip The Disc to go through.

    Tsunami 2 (4) vs. Automatic Schmuck

    Depends if Tsunami can get a flip or two in really€¦ I€™ll go for the Schmuck.

    Clawdius Decimus Murderous (1) vs. Son of Ripper 4 (2)

    Oh great. Well a few things have changed which run in my favour from last year, so let€™s hope they work. First of all the sides are sloped and are lower meaning CDM will find it difficult to get a good grip on. The wheels are now a lot more durable and thuther away from the edges meaning getting a good crush on them will prove very hard. On top of that the flipper is now rear hinged again and the disc has improved greatly€¦ so now I can get under the skirts and flip it around and cause a few marks on the shell of CDM.
    All I can really do is charge in and slip my spatula under the skirts and then toss it over, then once inverted just keep pushing forwards so that it can€™t self right and either slam it against the walls, pit it, put it into the house robots and of course drive it into a wall and try and flip it OOTA. If this fails then the next plan is too do a suicidal drive up the CDM wedge driving in backwards and try to break the crusher using my disc. I want revenge!

    Panic Attack vs. Drilla Killa 7

    Should be a good fight, but I think Drilla Killa will edge it.

    Behemoth (27) vs. Achilles (23)

    Achilles should be able to win this one I think.

    Tails vs. Ringwraith

    Tails to mash the wheels up and go through.

    NSBFR-X (24) vs. Giga-Byte (15)

    Erm, not sure what to do with this one€¦ I guess just grab it and try and shove it down the pit as soon as I can. Hopefully I can cause a bit of damage to the armour too.

  5. #585


    Laughing at our mistakes can lengthen our own life. Laughing at someone elses can shorten it. (Cullen Hightower)

    The NSTT, Semi finals
    Round 4, Part 1

    16 robots remain, 8 places are up for grabs in round 5, 8 will move on, the other 8 will fail and end up out.

    Tanto 3 vs. Storm 2

    In the red square, from South Africa, Tanto 3.
    In the blue square, from England, Storm 2

    Richard and Matt are waving at the crowd, as they prepare to fight in the new arena, which has been given a lick of paint ready for action.


    And so the starter€™s gun has fired for the first time in the semis, as both robots are away from the line, Tanto 3 wearing that double wedge thing that is on it€™s picture, powered by a couple of lovely Eteks compared to Storm 2, which was one of the first real robots to use Lem 130€™s to drive it€™s 6 wheel drive power box. Both robots have accelerated to their top speed, both having custom speed controllers to handle the power. Tanto 3 takes the long way round and opens the pit release before spinning on the spot to meet Storm 2 storming towards it at full speed.

    Richard brakes the left hand side slightly, as Storm 2 is wearing the skirts to stop Tanto from getting underneath it€™s sides. Matt turns, and for the first time, both robots meet head on. Tanto 3 has the lower front and gets underneath Storm 2 and starts to push Storm 2 backwards. The wheels on Storm 2 are spinning trying to get grip on the surface, but Tanto is pushing Storm too fast for Storm€™s own speed to have an affect on the drive, as Matt is looking towards the pit in revenge for Storm 2 beating PRP in the heat final.

    The pit is coming closer, as Storm 2 looks to be getting a piece of it€™s own medicine and it drops down 6 feet, down into a hole, with a mole, who is having a cup of tea and cheese. The smoke has risen from the pit, as Tanto 3 spins around; Matt is smiling, as he is the first to round 5.


    Tanto 3 beats Storm 2 via TKO in 1:34.


    The Disc 5 vs. Hell Machine (17)

    In the red square, from England, The Disc 5.
    In the blue square, from Oxford, England, the 17th seed, Hell Machine

    Frank and Dave here, Hell Machine was beaten last season by Tempest in the heat final, will Dave get revenge on Frank?

    Both vapourbots are in the arena, and both vapourbotters are in the control booths overlooking the arena€¦

    The lights are on, as it€™s time to go

    Frank has reversed The Disc 5 backwards into the wall to get the disc up to speed, as Hell Machine comes speeding around the fence to get it€™s axe into play. Frank drives forward to get his disc into play, as both robots meet. The axe fires on Hell Machine as it tries to get a hold on the body of The Disc, but thanks to that handy rotating spinning thingie around the inner axle, the axe bounces away.

    The disc of the disc is to the side of the axe as it comes in, as Hell Machine tries to do something as the wedge is underneath The Disc, and it holding The Disc back with it€™s drive. The axe fires once more, and once more it bounces away from the spinning body of The Disc, as Frank is trying to something, as the disc has made a lovely cut into the armour of Hell Machine, but nothing has been thrown away, as Hell Machine reverses at full speed just as the 30 second pin rule kicks in. The Disc 5 starts to move forward and away from the squares, as both robots move into the middle of the arena for a dance.

    Hell Machine has opened the pit and is back in the circle, as Frank is trying to get his disc into play to damage Hell Machine€™s side to get to the golden nugget the drive chain. All around the world, you know it€™s going to be okay. Hell Machine comes storming into The Disc, as once more contact is made, but Frank turns, as Hell Machine hits the disc, but isn€™t thrown away to the wolfs, as the front wedge is underneath The Disc 5, lifting a part of the wheels off the ground to give The Disc 2 wheels on the ground, as the axe fires trying to get a hook on that body. Meanwhile the damage to the front scoop is high, as another lovely cut has appeared in it, as The Disc 5 pushes back and manages to get a good hit on a part of the scoop he hasn€™t hit let, and another piece is ripped away, that scoop can rip pure body that it is so sharp. The axe fires, but it€™s a badly made move, as it goes straight into the disc itself.

    Hell Machine is lost it€™s axe head, as it lands 25 feet away, bent in half, as Dave puts on full drive, ramming into The Disc as he forces Frank€™s machine to roll over onto it€™s next set of wheels, but the disc is still tearing into the front scoop, something flies off the top, as what looks like to be a bearing lands, as the axe arm is currently bent like a banana, and only held on by it€™s teeth, Hell Machine has taken another blow from The Disc 5€™s disc, as once more both robots meet head on, the axe arm has come away, as well as a part of the scoop, as The Disc 5 is taking control of this fight.

    Dave is thinking, as he goes away for a while, the front end wrecked, as The Disc 5 gives chase, and gives the side a good hit, flipping Hell Machine though a 360 degree flip, a large slice has been taken out of the side, as Dave turns Hell Machine around and drives straight into The Disc. Once more the disc takes out a large piece of the front scoop, but thanks to that scoop, The Disc hasn€™t gone up and over Hell Machine, but has stay on the front scoop, unable to get away, as Hell Machine is driving The Disc 5 backwards, the wheels just spinning as Frank is trying to put down all the power.

    The battle has turned on it€™s head, as 4 minutes 20 has past, as Hell Machine is still keeping The Disc pinned to his scoop, which now doesn€™t look like a scoop anymore, as the top armour panel has started to come away. The time is up for Hell Machine to pin The Disc 5, as Dave turns and drives towards the nearest wall at full speed.

    The Disc 5 goes over the top, as a part of the top panel is torn away from Hell Machine, as The Disc 5 goes back down the rear and away to get it€™s disc up to speed, something is wrong with the disc, as it isn€™t getting up to speed, as Frank knows that. Hell Machine turns and after the 10 second freedom rule comes back onto the €œmad-duck€ attack. The front scoop is bent and taken apart. 15 seconds are left in the battle, as another piece from Hell Machine is taken away, but the disc has stopped, the motor is spinning but Frank stops the motor before it burns out.

    10, the audience cry, as Hell Machine pushes back against The Disc 5, now without the disc, as the rear lifter fires to say it is working, 9, 8, 7, the pit is only 15 feet away, as The Disc€™s lack of any decent pushing power and torque is noticed as it is being pushed back without much trouble, 4, 3, 2, 3 feet away, 1, as Hell Machine is on top of The disc 5.


    Just after the cease, The Disc 5 drops out of sight down the pit. Followed by Hell Machine. Dave is jumping around the control booth, as he thinks he has won, and created a giant killing, but he is broken the news that he was less than 2 seconds late, he says €œF***€.

    The judges are called in to decide the winner:
    The Disc 5 was aggressive throughout the first 4 minutes until a fault developed in the drive system for the disc, but Hell Machine was the main attacker in the fight and gets 9 points in return of The Disc€™s 6.

    Hell Machine was mad, The Disc 5 kept in control, the judges have watched a repeat of the match, and the only lost of control is when Hell Machine allowed The Disc to get around it€™s side, and gives The Disc 8 lovely points. Hell Machine gets 7.

    Damage Caused
    Damaged caused by Hell Machine, well looking at The Disc after the fight, there were some scratches on the outer spinning thing which were not there before, and the judges are not sure if Hell Machine caused the damage to the disc itself, and so have taken that part out of the equation. Damage caused by the disc to Hell Machine, well, that gets pretty 14 points, whereas Hell Machine gets the 1 point.

    Hell Machine was to attack, push, pit, it tried to do that and managed it, but out of the time. The Disc€™s strategy was to attack Hell Machine with the disc. Both strategies were deemed to be more success than failure, but Hell Machine gets the 8 points in this area. The Disc 5 gets 7 points to play with.

    The Disc 5€™s attacks according to the audience were boring, just hitting the top with the disc, Hell Machine€™s mad-for-it attacks were more stylist in the eyes of the judges, as it took damage, but was meant to take damage from it€™s attacks. Hell Machine gets 11 points. The Disc 5 takes just 4.

    The Disc 5 - (39/75)
    Hell Machine - (36/75)

    In a 39-36 decision, The Disc 5 moves onwards, Hell Machine (17) takes a beating in damage and is out.


    Tsunami 2 (4) vs. Automatic Schmuck

    In the red square, from England, the 4th seed, Tsunami 2
    In the blue square, from Australia, Automatic Schmuck

    Matt Robson against Tom Roper, the flipper against the bar spinner.

    The robots are in the arena, as the boxes have been locked, and for the third time, the lights have been turned on

    Automatic Schmuck€™s weapon is up to speed, as Tom starts to move out of the square, as Tsunami 2 is trying to get a quick shot in, but fails, as both robots meet. The first damage is done to Tsunami 2 as it fails to get underneath the skirts of Automatic Schmuck and gets a good beating from that bar; ripping though the 3mm titanium front wedge like it was paper.

    Matt tries to attack once more, but once more, the 4th seed fails to get underneath Automatic Schmuck, and is given yet another beating, as a piece of the armour comes flying away from Tsunami, as Matt runs away, being ever so faster than Automatic Schmuck, which is giving chase. Tsunami is wasting time, as Matt doesn€™t know what to do, here today, as Automatic Schmuck is keeping up with him all the way to give little breathing space, as Tom cuts across and gives the side a good beating, after getting underneath it with the front wedge.

    Tsunami 2 is hit once more, as the flipper and current holder of the most OOTA€™s medal is taken apart, as it lands, the right hand side is destroyed, that bar has done it€™s work, as Matt tries to drive, but Tsunami 2 is going around in a circle. Automatic Schmuck slams into the side once more, as co2 starts to rush out of the tank, due to the pipe work being destroyed. Ref starts to count out Tsunami 2, as Automatic Schmuck starts to slow it€™s spinner down to save on future damage to it.

    1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, there goes that funky red card.


    Automatic Schmuck wins over Tsunami 2 (4) via KO in 1:04


    Next time on NSTT:
    The round 4 fight that pretty much everybody is looking forward to, a repeat of last season€™s final:


    Clawdius Decimus Murderous (1) vs. Son of Ripper 4 (2)
    Panic Attack vs. Drilla Killa 7
    Behemoth (27) vs. Achilles (23)

    So if you haven€™t got your tactics or predictions in yet, you don€™t have much time.

  6. #586
    The arena is once more ready for three more fights, to determine the 4th, 5th, and 6th places in round 5, who will claim them, well nobody knows.


    Anything not worth doing is worth not doing well. Think about it (Elias Schwartz).

    NSTT Semi finals, Part 2

    Fight 1

    Clawdius Decimus Murderous (1) vs. Son of Ripper 4 (2)

    In an ideal world, the repeat of the far 8 final should have been in the final, but due to the random heats and the series 4 semi final set-up, will history repeat itself or will Andy get revenge over Clawdius?

    In the red square, from Glasgow, Scotland, Current champion and 1st seed, Clawdius Decimus Murderous.
    In the blue square, from England, the 2nd seed, Son of Ripper 4.

    Both Andy and Steve has shaken hands before entering the control booths, as both have extreme respect for each other. The lights are on, as everybody is ready:

    Both robots start to edge out of the squares, as Andy puts his finger onto the forward button and Son of Ripper jumps forward with a little jerk from the power surge. Clawdius Decimus Murderous gives chase, as Andy spins Son of Ripper around in the arena, as both robots are looking each other head-on, as Son of Ripper drives straight at Clawdius Decimus Murderous. Steve keeps Clawdius Decimus Murderous on the front of Son of Ripper as both robots are coming closer together.

    Son of Ripper 4 has turned right, but suddenly changes to turn left, as Clawdius Decimus Murderous spins slightly which is enough to allow Son of Ripper 4 a running shot at the side skirts. Front wedge meets skirt, as Son of Ripper breaks the skirts of Clawdius Decimus Murderous for the first time in the contest since Tsunami 2 did in the Stars-All contest last season, as Clawdius Decimus Murderous is being pushed sideways and with a little flip the champion is in trouble, as it lands on it€™s side.

    Steve fires the Srimech, as Clawdius Decimus Murderous self-rights, but gets hit by that lovely arena hammer, as Clawdius Decimus Murderous puts on the power and drives away, back towards Son of Ripper 4, which Andy has taken to the middle of the arena, to get another shot onto the sides of Clawdius Decimus Murderous. Steve knowing now, the tactics used by Son of Ripper 4 puts on full power, as once more both robots are heading towards each other at full speed.

    Andy dodges twice, but Steve has counted for this and ploughs straight in and underneath the front wedge of Son of Ripper 4, still proving that Clawdius Decimus Murderous still has one of the best wedges around with a collection of titanium strips and low angled claws. The crusher comes down onto the front flipper and makes a lovely bend in whatever material the flipper is lovingly made out of. Note that the rear wheel of Son of Ripper 4 are still on the ground, as they are preventing Clawdius Decimus Murderous from making a full walk-over, as Steve is pushing Son of Ripper backwards, as Andy not wanting to fuck up the flipper, refuses to fire it, as Clawdius Decimus Murderous has opened the pit release button. Only 15 seconds are left in the pinning time allowed by the rule-book, as Andy puts though the torque into the rear wheels, as Clawdius Decimus Murderous€™s march for the pit is slowed down.

    Steve is trying to get Son of Ripper 4 nearer the pit, as the crusher crushes down some more into the heart of Son of Ripper, but nothing is really done to Andy€™s beast, as the 30 seconds is up, as the buzzer buzzes to tell Clawdius Decimus Murderous to yet go. Steve was only a few feet away from the pit, as Son of Ripper 4 goes away to line up another attack, Andy quickly tests the flipper, as it fires, a part of the crushed armour goes flying off and hits the side wall. Son of Ripper 4 comes closer to Clawdius Decimus Murderous, as both robots put down full power.

    Son of Ripper 4 hasn€™t dodged, and Clawdius Decimus Murderous has, as Andy gets underneath the skirts of Clawdius Decimus Murderous and pushes it towards the pit. A quick flip from the flipper sends the champion down 6 feet, into the dark and unwelcoming pit.

    The red light comes on to signal the end of the far 8 final, part 2, will there be a part 3, well nobody knows.


    The smoke is rising from the pit, as Andy is jumping around like a crazy rabbit who has had too much coffee. Steve is laughing as his 10 match unbeaten run has come to an end in the main heavyweight contest.

    ffffff>Son of Ripper 4 (2) beats Clawdius Decimus Murderous (1) via TKO in 4:32.

    Fight 5
    Panic Attack vs. Drilla Killa 7

    In the red square, from New York, Panic Attack.
    In the blue square, from England, Drilla Killa 7

    Tony and Richard shake hands, as they move into their control booths, as the arena lights go on, as the boxes have been locked:

    Both robots are away from the squares, in what looks like to be a fast paced battle, as Drilla Killa 7 gets out first and turns to drive at Panic Attack, which beat another of Richard€™s machines in the heat final, and Richard wants revenge and puts on full power.

    Both robots crash head-on, as the front wedge of Drilla Killa 7, which got underneath Wedge Devolution manages to get underneath the front forks of Panic Attack, as Richard scoops Panic Attack up onto his wedge and moves towards the arena hammer. The hammer fires, once, twice, three times, hitting the self-righter hard with every shot. That is the weakness of Panic Attack, that it€™s Srimech is weak, as Drilla Killa 7 is driving towards the arena spike.

    Tony who is driving Panic Attack, can not do a single thing, as the spikes fires, sending Panic Attack onto it€™s rear. Tony presses the Srimech button, but nothing, as Ref comes over to count out Panic Attack.

    1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, and there goes the red card, as Drilla Killa 7 is waiting around for the fight to end, Richard not wanting to waste power and so is not attacking Panic Attack.


    Drilla Killa 7 wins over Panic Attack via KO in 1:01

    Fight 6
    Behemoth (27) vs. Achilles (23)

    In the red square, from Canada, and 27th seed, Behemoth
    In the blue square, from England, and 23rd seed, Achilles

    Alex is using the co2 for this fight: as both roboteers are in the control booths, the lights in the arena have come on:


    The Christmas tree has gone green, as Achilles hops forward, using it€™s 4 wheel drive to get away from the blue square and into the middle of the arena. Behemoth has started to roll, it€™s 6 wheels turning as Matt is looking for a quick scoop and out for this fight or maybe a scoop down into that pit. Achilles is looking for the flip over the fence, as Alex doesn€™t want to risk his luck against the torque monster of Behemoth.

    Both robots are circling each other, Achilles almost when over the arena spikes, as they fire, brushing air as Achilles suddenly breaks the circle of life, as Matt turns Behemoth to counteract Achilles€™ attack, as Alex slams on the right hand side with reverse, which flicks Achilles around the side of Behemoth, as Achilles turns, getting underneath the side clearance of Behemoth. Alex is pushing Behemoth sideways, as Matt is trying to do everything to get Behemoth away from danger as the flipper fires on Achilles, as Behemoth sails rolling over, crashing down into the arena camera, smashing the camera up.

    Achilles spins around as the Christmas tree lights have turned red again.


    Achilles (23) wins over Behemoth (27) via TKO in 2:15.

    Next time

    Round 4

    Tails vs. Ringwraith
    NSBFR-X (24) vs. Giga-Byte (15)

    Raptor weights
    Hell Boy vs. Xenophobia

    Tactics, Predictions, enjoy reading the results?

  7. #587

  8. #588
    BOOOOO! Thanks very much, Dave. :wink:

    ...if Tails ends up winning this, I dont know what everyone will do.

  9. #589
    Bugger. I honestly thought there was a gap between the disc and the wheels of The Disc 5 in which the axe could hold (think Behemoth and Stinger). Ah well.

    Info on Xenophobia if you please.

  10. #590

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