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Thread: NSBFL 7

  1. #121
    Forcepower seems like a handful, but I think I can make a fair few dents in it. Also, isnt 60v a little OTT ?

    Oh, and as for PT and SJ, Ill axe the hell out of PT and ram it into scorpy to slow the disc down, then pit scorpy (the low part of the body is perfect for HAs axe and scoop to get at)

  2. #122

  3. #123
    Welcome one and all, to the start of NSBFL 7, now with one extra arena, a new and improved flavour and 50% less stalling for time while I badly try and build up tension Let€™s meet today€™s victims, shall we?

    Achilles - It may be a box, but this box is the number one seed and reigning champion. This series it returns smaller, but with more powerful drive, better armour, and an interchangeable flipping/lifting system. In its first fight, it will be using the flipping set-up. Last series it hooked and lifted its way past AWOL 2, Going Crunch, Parasite, Wedge 1 and Maximum Velocity.

    Vampire Twins - A cluster €˜bot rammer/driller, hoping to impale all before them, and suck the life out of the competition. Each part is light, but the armour is good and they always say four fangs are better than two.

    Call Out Hook - An interesting machine, with interchangeable weapons. It can use either a flipping arm, or an axe, and both have 360 degrees of movement, making this a tough one to attack. For its first fight, it will be using the axe.

    Sonic Boom - Sonic Boom is what happened when Dan decided to make an anti-Disc machine. The two never met, so some might say Dan wasted his time. Wrong! With its overkill tough armour, fast speeds and powerful momentum powered axe, Sonic Boom could be a handful for any machine.

    Battle 1

    The first battle sees Achilles taking on the Vampire Twins in the Unimmediate Peril arena.


    At once the Twins are separated, but Achilles charges under the nearest ones ground clearance, and tosses it into the air! The second Twin comes in and rams into Achilles€™ side, but Achilles just buggers off after the first twin before it can self right, receiving a large scrape down the side thanks to the drills, and gets under it just as it self rights, takes it to the arena wall and fires it out of the ring!

    The surviving twin rams hard into Achilles€™ back, but Achilles just reverses, taking the Twin across the arena and smashing it into the far wall. The Twin escapes, and rams into Achilles€™ side, but Achilles turns and gets under the corner of the Twin, flicking it up, but not over. The Twin bounces down, and just avoids another flip, before coming in and smashing into Achilles€™ front while the flipper is up!

    The flipper retracts, but rests on the smaller robot, and Achilles just drives forwards like the Twin isn€™t there, taking it into the back wall again! Achilles backs off to get the Twin out of its front, but as soon as Achilles reverses, the twin shoots forwards again, burying itself into the front of Achilles!

    Alex rams Achilles forwards again, and reverses, but again the Twin shoots forwards before the flipper can come down! Achilles reverses and turns, and the Twin shoots past Achilles and its drills bury into the far wall! Achilles comes up behind the Twin to try and either free it or flip it out, but the drills have gone all the way through, and the Twin is going nowhere if it doesn€™t reverse. It looks like it€™s stuck in forward drive thanks to being rammed about though, so Achilles leaves it to be counted out.

    The Vampire Twins just sucked Achilles€™ victory march goes on!

    Battle 2

    We go now to Last €˜Bot Standing for Call Out Hook vs Sonic Boom!


    As fast as you can blink, Sonic Boom travels across the arena and rams into the front of Call Out Hook, before reversing and bringing down the mace! Call Out Hooks axe also flashes down, but just misses Sonic Boom, who starts reversing as Call Out Hook starts pushing it towards the arena wall.

    The two hit the arena wall, but Sonic Boom just slips away, and starts bringing the mace down on Call Out Hook repeatedly while the turret spins around, and the axe comes down striking Sonic Boom on the wheel! This doesn€™t seem to faze Sonic Boom though, who backs off. Call Out Hook charges forwards, but Sonic Boom spins on the spot, and knocks Call Out Hook away from its charge, and runs into the side of Call Out Hook and starts bringing the mace down repeatedly again!

    Once more the turret on Call Out Hook spins and Martyn succeeds in trapping Sonic Boom€™s axle! However, with no pit, moat or house robots, he€™s at a loss as to what to do with the axle-€˜bot! He settles for ramming it hard into the arena wall a few times, hoping to cause a break down, but this ramming frees Sonic Boom, who moves to the arena centre, and starts spinning around again!

    Martyn keeps Call Out Hook at a distance though, and Dan is forced to go on the offensive. The axe on Call Out Hook finds it target first though, destroying Sonic Boom€™s momentum! Sonic Boom reverses for another go, and succeeds in bringing the mace down on where Call Out Hook had been a second ago! Now Call Out Hook is around the side of Sonic Boom!

    Sonic Boom tries to spin around, but the mace rests against Call Out Hook€™s side and is going nowhere! Once more, the axe comes down and hits the wheel of Sonic Boom, stopping it from reversing away from the scene, just long enough for the axe to be adjusted slightly, and the axe comes down again where Sonic Boom was just a second ago!

    Now Call Out Hook gives chase, but Sonic Boom stops running, starts spinning and Call Out Hook runs straight into the flailing mace and is bashed aside! Sonic Boom charges forward for another attack, but the mace misses and puts a nice dent in the floor. Remind me to get Dan to pay for that. Sonic Boom gives chase this time, but the axe of Call Out Hook comes down and traps Sonic Boom again, and the axle-€˜bot is given a tour of the arena before being smashed into the wall, from where it escapes, but not before fetching Call Out Hook another overhead slam or two!

    Call Out Hook chases after Sonic Boom, who suddenly reverses direction, and slams the top of Call Out Hook before escaping again! Call Out Hook turns to give chase, but Sonic Boom slips around to the side and starts slamming the top of Call Out Hook again! The turret doesn€™t move around, and Martyn looks concerned as the rotating mechanism is obviously broken! It€™s now very hard for Martyn to aim the axe, as the turret€™s stuck at a funny angle!

    Call Out Hook turns, and pushes Sonic Boom towards the wall again, but Sonic Boom twists and escapes before the two reach the wall, and fetches Call Out Hook a stinging slap to the side! Call Out Hook charges again, but Sonic Boom spins on the spot, knocking it away, before coming in with more overhead slams! Call Out Hook pushes Sonic Boom into the wall again, but again, this doesn€™t faze Sonic Boom, who escapes to the side of Call Out Hook, only to be grappled by the axe! The turret might have stopped, but the axe itself is still very much active, and Call Out Hook slams Sonic Boom into the far wall, before axing the wheels and axle a bit before Sonic Boom can escape!

    Sonic Boom€™s tough armour doesn€™t look damaged though, as it finally escapes and slams down onto the top of Call Out Hook thrice more. Call Out Hook is only moving in circles now, so Sonic Boom comes in and smashes away with impunity! Some of the shots miss, but enough connect and Call Out Hook is finished!

    Call Out Hook receives a wake up call, Sonic Boom thunders into the heat final!

    Next time in NSBFL 7, reigning champ Achilles takes on Sonic Boom in the Roulette arena!

  4. #124
    Now DATS an opening

    Very wooty start to the new War, Mr Goacher and Im going to pick Achilles to give Sonic Boom a very explosive departure

  5. #125

  6. #126
    It€™s the heat final of heat A. In round 1, Achilles chucked the Vampire Twins back into the afterlife, while Sonic Boom bashed Call Out Hook into submission. This time around, they€™re putting their luck to the test in the new Roulette arena! Achilles is sticking with the pneumatic setup.


    Sonic Boom charges across the arena, skidding and turning around two pits between itself and Achilles, and slams the mace down, missing Achilles by a fraction, but allowing Achilles to get under a wheel and toss the newcomer backwards and onto one of the pits! It€™s another pit which opens though, so Sonic Boom is free to charge back in and bring the mace down on the stop of Achilles!

    Achilles reverses a little, letting the mace slide off, and gets under Sonic Boom€™s axle and once more flipping it backwards! Sonic Boom just comes straight back on the offensive though, and hits the top of Achilles a couple more times before Achilles moves away and shoves the axle-€˜bot into the PPZ! The nearest house machine is The Militant, who charges in and puts its new flywheel to the test and strikes one of Sonic Boom€™s wheel hubs, spinning the small machine out of the PPZ again! Sonic Boom isn€™t hurt at all, but goes to the centre of the arena, once more turning around a pit as it does so!

    Achilles chases after Sonic Boom, carefully navigating around a pit in the way, but Sonic Boom is spinning around at full pelt now, and Achilles takes a bash in the side, knocking it away again! Sonic Boom charges into Achilles€™ rear and bashes down on the top again, but Achilles reverses, pushing Sonic Boom over a pit! With a clatter of a trapdoor, and a whoosh of smoke, Sonic Boom fails to fall down the pit, as the pit to one side opens instead!

    Sonic Boom takes off and the pit is now in between Achilles and Sonic Boom! Not wishing to chance driving over the pit, Alex takes Achilles around the pit instead, and straight into a spinning Sonic Boom! The thwack spins Achilles away, with a noticeable dent in the side, and Achilles nearly goes over the pit Alex was so careful to avoid! Sonic Boom crashes into Achilles€™ side again, and starts hammering the top, putting another couple of dents in but not fazing Achilles all that much, who turns around, shoving Sonic Boom onto the pit which again fails to open!

    Sonic Boom escapes past Achilles, and starts spinning again, but doesn€™t get up to much speed before Achilles comes in and flips it into the arena wall! OOTA failed, Achilles comes into finish the job, but Uncle Tomahawk smashes into both machines! The axe misses both by a mile, but it allows Sonic Boom to escape, with Achilles in close pursuit! Sonic Boom suddenly reverses, smashing into the top of Achilles, but gets flipped away for its efforts!

    Sonic Boom just goes straight back on the attack though, but Achilles uses that sneaky strategy known as €œmoving€, and the mace crashes down onto the floor instead! Achilles gets under a wheel and flips, but Sonic Boom just flops over, and spins around once, smashing the mace into the side of Achilles, the quickly reversing and smashing into the top! Achilles ignores this and gets under the axle, once more flipping Sonic Boom, but missing a pit and instead moving Sonic Boom near the arena centre!

    Achilles chases after Sonic Boom, but runs right into Sonic Boom at full spin, and is knocked away! A corner of Achilles goes over a pit, causing another pit to open up momentarily. Sonic Boom charges in, and starts with the overhead slams, managing to get three in before Achilles trundles over the safe for now pit! Achilles rounds the pit to get at Sonic Boom, but Sonic Boom also rounds the pit to get at Achilles, and so they merely swap positions. This happens a few times, until Dan decides to reverse Sonic Boom towards the PPZ instead, with Achilles in full pursuit!

    Sonic Boom starts spinning and deflects Achilles€™ charge, nearly knocking the champ into the PPZ! Achilles turns and charges, but once again Sonic Boom is spinning, and Achilles is knocked away before Sonic Boom comes in and hits the top of Achilles twice more, before Achilles spins around and flips Sonic Boom into the PPZ! No house robots are near enough, so Sonic Boom exits the PPZ smartly, but gets turned over again by Achilles! Sonic Boom spins around and hits the side of Achilles, deepening and already present dent and CEASE!

    Well, with neither opponent managing to finish the other off, we head into a judges decision!

    Control: Both were well controlled, but Achilles had a high attack success rate, with Sonic Boom missing a few times. Also, Achilles was often pushing Sonic Boom over pits and into the PPZ. Achilles: 3. Sonic Boom: 2.

    Damage: Sonic Boom took a hit from The Militant, but that did very little to the thick hardox wheel hub. Achilles, however is covered in dents. Most small, but some pretty big. Achilles: 0. Sonic Boom: 5.

    Aggression: Both machines were pretty bloody minded in this fight, but Achilles did most of the chasing, while Sonic Boom was often defensive, and spent some portions of the fight running away. Achilles: 4. sonic Boom: 1.

    And the verdict is€¦ Achilles: 7. Sonic Boom: 8.

    With one point in it, Achilles is gone! Sonic Boom goes through to the next round!

    Thought for the day: I understand the legend of Achilles, which is basically saying €œEveryone has a weak point€, but come on. What kind of wuss dies from a heel wound? Sheesh.

  7. #127

  8. #128
    ABR (oh yeah, Frank, you might want this too)

    NPC 4200 x2 - 14.30
    NPC W81HT with gearbox - 7.70
    NiMh 24v Battlepack x2 - 2.40
    NiMh 36v Battlepack x1 - 1.80 kg
    Maxtor controller - ~1.000 kg
    Stainless frame - 26.64
    Stainless Plow - 13.55 + 0.58 for the Ti nudgers on the front
    Ti 9 : V 1 Armor - 9.43
    TOTAL - 77.4

    I just so happen to have 22.6 kg left over for a good number of things, because of the efficiency of the design. I don€™t have them rendered, but there are two adjustments for the fight I€™m going to add:
    1) a 22 kg anti-spinner waffle made of lead, to attach to the front. Wish I€™d tried this sooner.
    2) copper ablative-armor plates for the sides and back during melees.

    This is my first and last robot completely without magmotors. Not that NPC motors are much different. Aw heck, they€™re just NPC magmotor clones. I€™m useless at this.

    Weapon - A large stainless steel spatula on the front, which pivots almost 180* over the robot to self-right, and to flip and lift. From the diagram it might not look like it€™ll reach, but there€™s a hinged plate over the frame for the lifter that pushes out. The teeth at the end provide the maximum amount of leverage possible, and have limited movement to keep from getting very screwed up. The electric motor is geared down to 135 rpm, (moves its full range in 1/4 second), obviously it wont operate nearly as quickly for lifting an opponent. The lifter is powered by a NPC W81HT at 36 volts for eight-ish horsepower.

    Frame - 1.27 cm stainless steel. Cant go wrong with that stuff.
    Armor - 0.635 cm titanium/vanadium.
    Srimech - The lifter can right the robot.

    Wheels - 8-wheeled! Each motor directly connects to one wheel (see render to determine which one), and powers the others by chain. If the chain is severed, just that one will continue operating. Itll be a rarity to lose both that individual wheel and the chain in one fight. I like to emphasize this redundancy so people dont interpret it as a weakness (which has happened).
    3360 rpm NPC motors (3.8 hp) power the wheels at 17 mph with great acceleration. 3.6 Ah, 75 amp discharge NiMh C-cell battlepacks supply all the energy.

    Clearance - 1.106 cm under the wheels, and under the stationary wedges at the front. 0 under the actuating plow with wedge-nudgers.

    -it is a very powerful, very fast tank, with a lot of stall-resistance, even if it lacks some horsepower.
    -it has the lowest wedge„ in the competition. It ploughs with finality and precision.
    -its frame can take a lot of abuse.
    -Like any real design entered here, impossible robots might look more impressive on paper. I still assert they€™re impossible, and I€™ll bring that up in my strategies.
    -it€™s a rather simple and predictable design
    -there€™s nowhere to pit anything, and there aren€™t many designs it can damage or knock out.

  9. #129

  10. #130
    Fights crammed with wootyness as ever, Mr G . As for Heat B...

    - Dervish to repeat history
    - Artros to get a lucky flip in and send El Persistance to meet El Diablo

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