Hello, everyone, and welcome to the SIXTH series of Velociraptors Fanfic Tournament!
Ive found myself with more free time than I expected, so no harm in starting to take entries now!

This tournament series began on a small scale with just 16 robots, out of which Andy Jacksons Son Of Ripper emerged the winner!
A three-tournament reign of terror by Aaron Knight followed, first with Disctruction Evo and then two tournaments with the infamous Mass Disctruction Ultimate coming first!
But last series, Aaron dropped out for personal reasons, so a new champ was guaranteed - and that champ was another infamous Vapourbot, Frank Goachers destructive The Disc 2!
Hopefully, The Disc 2 (or an updated version) will return to defend his title, but 127 robots will be equally determined to strip him of it! Of course, those robots will all have to be entered by you, so please come and join in the destruction in VELOCIRAPTORS FANFIC TOURNAMENT SERIES 6!

Right, lets get started. Ive decided to revise the seeding chart, as I forgot to include some of the veterans that did well in previous VFTs but not so well in VFT5, and Ive repositioned a few robots:

01. The Disc 2
02. WX 6.0 (or TIRTASM if it enters and WX doesnt)
03. Monsoons Back
04. Killotine Evo
05. Influenza
06. Tempest Evil-oution
07. SD IV
08. Windyer Killer
09. MDU 3.1
10. Gigavirus
11. Son Of Ripper 3.5
13. Parasite
14. TSC / Super Flipping Mad Mk?
15. Annoying Box Rush
16. Scottish Fiction Mk2
17. Angel Of The Abyss
18. Hannibal
19. WOSS 1.5
20. The Crashing Bore
21. David Sheppard
22. Code 14
23. Heir To Black Panther III
24. Whirligig 3.0
25. Maximum Velocity
26. Typhoon 2
27. Warhead
28. Omega
29. Dervish Quatro
30. Disco 5
31. Hypertension
32. Achilles

And here are the competition rules. Please read carefully, as we have a lot to go through again:

01. I need 16 people to enter 8 robots each, Vapourbots or real. AT LEAST ONE OF YOUR ROBOTS MUST BE REAL. You cant enter a real robot if someones already entered an earlier or later version of the same robot or series of robots. The tournament will work like Series 7 (16 heats, each with 2 Round 1 four-robot melees from which 2 robots go through).

02. This information is required for Vapourbots (you can give more if you want):
Dimensions (l x w x h)
Locomotion (mention what its made of, eg: if its wheels, are they foam filled?)
Ground Clearance
At least one strength
At least one weakness

03. The weight limits are 100kg for wheeled robots, 110kg for shufflers and tracked robots, and 150kg for walkers.

04. Clusterbots are allowed - there is a 4 part limit for them. A clusterbot is not eliminated unless all parts are immobilised, but the loss of one or more parts will count heavily against the clusterbot in Damage if the match goes to the judges.

05. Robots with passive or no weaponry are allowed, but I dont want too many. Flying robots are banned.

06. Robots with interchangable weaponry are allowed. You must say when you first give your stats that your robot has interchangable weaponry, and what those weapons are. If after giving your stats, you come up with a new interchangable weapon you didnt mention before, or change one you did mention, the new weapon or change cannot be used.

07. In judges decisions, the robots are marked on Aggression, Damage, Strategy, Style, Control and Dominance, with 10 points shared appropriately between them. If the score is 30-30, the robot who led in the most categories will win. If both robots led in an equal number of categories, the scores for each category will be multiplied based on how important the category is - Dominance x 6, Damage x 5, Aggression x 4, Control x 3, Strategy x 2, Style x 1. If the score is STILL even, it will be put to the vote amongst readers.

08. The arena is the same - a large box surrounded by thick Lexan (it shouldnt be broken, and OOTAs are impossible) and a non magnetic metal floor. There is a pit in the top left corner, which is opened for 10 seconds by a release in the top right corner. In the bottom right corner is a horizontal spinning disc.

09. A robot is considered KOd if it is not moving for 30 seconds, if it is pitted, or if it is flipped and cannot selfright. If a robot is propped against the wall, it does not count as immobile and if it isnt freed, the match will be paused so it can be.

10. If two robots are immobilised at the same time by being flipped or being pitted, they will be righted and the match will continue. If one stops moving and the other is flipped or pitted, the flipped/pitted one wins if it is still capable of movement when righted. If both stop moving, a judges decision decides it.

11. Basic Robot Wars rules apply to anything I havent mentioned.

And making a return are the side events. They are the All Stars, the Annihilator mini-tournament, and two new ones, the Football and the Challenge Belt!
They will take place between the second semi final and the grand final, except the All Stars, which will take place after the grand final.
You dont have to enter the side events, but if you do, you cant enter the same robot in more than one event. If not enough people enter an event, I will select extra entries at random.

*The All Stars will not be planned until the time comes to write it, to take VFT5 and VFT6 All Stars into account. I will be sorting out which and how many robots participate myself. In the case of Vapourbots, there can only be one Vapourbot representing each person - a person will be represented by their Vapourbot that has the best record in VFT.

*The Annihilator mini-tournament will have 6 three-robot Mayhems - one robot goes through from each Mayhem, into a 6-robot annihilator, which has one robot eliminated in each round until one is left. 18 robots will be needed - I need 9 people to enter two robots, either two Vapourbots, a Vapourbot and a real robot, or two real robots. They must be Vapourbots or real robots that you have also entered into VFT6.

*The Football will have 8 teams of 2 robots in two-on-two battles. There are no fixed positions you must put your robots in - you can have a striker and a goalie, or two strikers, or whatever. It will work like Techno Games Football, or the one in NSBFL, with a goal for each team and one ball.
When a goal is scored, the match is paused and the ball is returned to the centre before carrying on. When times up, the team with the most goals goes through - if its tied, a golden goal will decide the match. Robots can use their weapons on the ball, but not on each other - you can only shove another robot with the aim of possessing the ball or scoring a goal, not with intent to disable the other robot. Get too violent with opposing robots and you will get a yellow card, and if you do it again, a red one! Only the offending robot will be sent off - its teammate can stay on.
You can team up with another roboteer and enter one robot each, or enter two of your own robots. You are allowed to enter a robot(s) specifically designed for football, not combat (Im assuming you wont have entered these in VFT6), but if you enter a combat-designed Vapourbot or real robot, it must be one you entered in VFT6. You are also allowed to make small modifications to combat robots you enter (eg: flaps) to help them play footie, but nothing major.

*The Challenge Belt requires no fixed number of robots, but however many enter - each person can only enter one robot, Vapour or real. I will pick an appropriate robot (eg: one that has a good record in VFT or other competitions if its a VFT rookie) to hold the Belt and state the order of robots that will challenge the Belt Holder. A robot that wins three fights (if the original Belt Holder wins three, or if a robot takes the belt from the Holder and then wins two fights) gets to keep the Belt, and a new one will be given to the Belt Holder for it to defend. If the competition ends and the Belt Holder hasnt fought for the Belt being used three times, it will hold onto the belt until next time.

I think thats everything covered - so entrant spaces are now open! Please enter VFT6!