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Thread: Roaming Robots, Bristol 17/18th July

  1. #31
    things ppl may find usful:

    and if its the oen im thinking of its by hartcliffe: client=public&gride=359904&gridn=167964&srec=0&coo rdsys=gb&addr1=&addr2=&addr3=&pc=BS140XA&advanced= &local=&scale=50000&in.x=17&in.y=10 ient=public&gride=359904&gridn=167964&srec=0&coord sys=gb&addr1=&addr2=&addr3=&pc =BS140XA&advanced=&local=&scale=50000&in.x=17&in.y =10

    hope thats help to some of you

  2. #32

  3. Guest
    Can someone give directions from temple meeds (the main railway station) to the location. aka, which buses do we need to catch to get there, and how do we buy tickets (I dont deal with plastic full stop)

    Dave S

  4. #34

  5. Can you put Weird Alice down for a place. Although were re-designing the inside of the robot we should easily be finished by then. This all depends on us being able to find a 1000 psi relief valve by then.

    Team Weird Alice

  6. #37
    I saw a poster for this in a news-agents just up the road

    Looks like its going 10.00 a ticket for anyone who wanted to know...

  7. #38
    It looks like Kronic will be only fighting on the Sunday due to driver commitments on the Saturday. Kronic will still be there for both days though but for the Saturday it will only be there for show (unless I can get my Dad to drive, and that WOULD be a show!)


  8. #39

  9. True. Ill have a word with my two team mates


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