A wooty world championships, wootily reviewed. Wootily.

^Wootiest. Title. ever^

Supernova vs Spartacus vs Hard

A small pile up started immediately as Supernova attacked Spartacus, bounced off, cliping Hard as it did so. Spartacus took a big shot, and kept going. Hard took a small clip and died... Supernova isnt the ONLY one with reliability issues, methinks. Anyway, Spartacus could have grabbed Supernova with that nice claw, but Supernova didnt seem to want o let it and so the bigger machine took a lot of blows... Then Spartacus was going around in circles, but Supernova seemed stuck and it looked like itd be counted out! However, a shock didnt happen as Supernova recovered, only to become stuck again a little later. It looked to me as if Supernova could move, or have the disc spinning, but couldnt do both. Very odd. Twas a good opening battle anyway

Winner: Supernova

Crustacian vs Pulveriser vs Snakebite

OK. Piercey called Snakebite Razer-esque... That doesnt mean you have to go and break down, Snakey! The dutch champs weapon then died for some reason, so Crustacian could easily shove it around. However thanks to Pulverisers shape, Crustacian didnt seem able to grip it... Then Snakebite, after being counted out, started moving and attacking Crustacian. Now I hought this was bang out of order... Snakebite was gone, and wouldnt go through no matter what they did, so why go for someone who still had a chance and potentially cause them problems later on?

Winner: Crushtacian

Tornado vs Ansgar 3 vs Storm 2

sarcasmTwo English robots ganging up on the German. I didnt expect that!!/sarcasm
Well, Ansgars weapon soon died, along with the robot when it went over a flame pit. Big shame, because in its qualifier it looked lethal:sad: So, German disposed of, it was a Tornado vs Storm 2 rematch. Tornado was on top for a while though as Storm was shoved into Dead Metal who... Made some sparks, and took some paint off. Scary. Thn Storm 2 came back and proceeded to come back where it left off in series 7... Battering Tornado everywhere. Tornado WAS on top for longer though, so the decision kinda surprised me. That and Storm 2 took damage, even if it was only to the paintwork.

Winner: Storm 2

Tough as Nails vs Typhoon 2 vs Rawbot

Well, due to battery failiure Typhoon 2 failed to make the arena which kinda sucked as its a cool machine... And rawbot didnt last long with TANs efficient grab and pit technique.

Winner: Tough as nails

Supernova vs Crushtacian

Crustacian drives forwards trying to stop the disc, takes a huge blow on the front which also takes something off one of the claws, which practically kills it off in one hit. Then Supernova hits it again and um...

*Goes into Salesman mode*

Crab sticks, get your crab sticks here! Tinned crab sticks, who wants em?

Winner: Supernova

Storm 2 vs Tough as Nails

Tough as Nails grabbed Storm 2 and got shoved everywhere... Which wasnt helped when a tyre came off. Then a while later Storm 2 was trying to pit Tough as Nails, and things got interesting... Could Tough as Nails reverse and pull Storm 2 down the pit? The answer turned out to be no as the odd shaped machine wanished down the hole:sad: Fight of the night anyways.

Winner: Storm 2

Storm 2 vs Supernova

A slight rehash of the series 7 grand final as Supernova hit Storm 2 a few times with the flywheel and got rammed around a few times... Then Supernova ended up on the wall and the dreaded C-word takes over. First off, Storm 2 then gets stacked by Shunt before Supernova is righted by Refbot. This is, were told, what normally happens as stacking a robot doesnt count as immobolising it. Then Supernova takes a pop at Storm and rights that, but it ends up on its back and cant push Supernova well at all, who gets some more hits in. Now... Based on what we saw I thought Supernova should have won... But the fight seemed waaaaaay too short for a 5-minute fight, so Im guessing a lot was edited out. Because of this, Im refusing to call if the fight was right or wrong, but these stacking double stamdards HAVE to stop.

Winner: Storm 2

So... Well done Ed and the rest of team Storm. If you could fill us in on what was missed, Id be very grateful.