Youre saying the involvement of the house robots nearly made a fight unfair? Well, thats never happened before. :-)

Being pinned against a wall has always seemed to be a grey area, though - see Chaos 2 vs SMIDSY in season 5, and Chaos 2 vs Tornado in Extreme (1). Storm were clearly running at the time they left Supernova on the wall, though, so its clear Ed was under the impression that theyd won and left Supernova alone.

Since they seemed to be running at the end, too, what was going on when Shunt was attacking? Ed - were you just waiting for the end of the fight only to have Shunt attack you while you werent looking, or what? Very strange.

Ill shut up and let the official reviewers do their bit, but Im looking forward to hearing from the roboteers - and I want to say well done to everyone, a most entertaining championship!
