quoteTwo of the more memorable fights of the last series were Dantomkia doing that to IG-88, and Gravity doing that to Dantomkia! Neither of those fights or bots were boring!/quote

They were also the shortest, and a total turn-off to watch (how you can say that 10-second fights are not boring is beyond me). And given that those two robots use nothing but that tactic every time, that means that most or all fights involving them last a few seconds, hence theyre boring IMO. (Dantomkia especially, see most of its recent fights) Razer was boring IMO because every fight was a predictable one-sided affair that died as a contest after a few seconds. (mainly because Razer never met a robot that could get off the wedge, and thats why Tornado beat them with the cage - because it enabled them to)

I dont know about you, but I like to see a good evenly-contested battle, not a 10-second spectacle. Im not particularly against flippers, and I know that fights involving them can be great to watch, but unfortunately most of them end up being either brief (due to that ridiculously low arena wall or no/broken srimech on the opponent) or one-sided (due to the low ground clearance culture).

But thats all in the past now, hopefully the Roaming Robots arena is better than the RW one.