Attached is a list of frequencies which robots have used in our past events. ( see link below )

To aid the future of all weights, the aim is to make each others lives easier, by using specific frequencies.

If robots can arrive with frequencies as per this sheet, then it will minimise clashes.

Certain frequencies such as 665, 685, and 875, are very common, and it is advised that if you are on this frequency then you either ensure you have spare sets, or move to another frequency.

The four frequencies highlighted in grey, are currently free.
My proposal is that these 2 or 3 frequencies are allocated to Ant Weights on a permanent basis.
Roaming robots intend to buy at least one set of each of the set frequencies, and will issue them to the ant weight roboteers at the start of each event for their use, which should allow them to run with their own TX control, throughout an event without problems with clashing with other weights, and then just returned back to TX control at the end of the event.
Of course they will still be able to book out other frequencies, just that these will be their own.

Please look at the table, and any further information you can supply, ie spare crystals you may have, / if your robot is not on the list then please email them to:-

So Deadline 1st April for people to give me details of their frequencies. From that there will be a minimum of 2 permanent frequencies allocated to Ant Weights for all Roaming Robots Events.

See the frequency table -

If it works, then it may be something which the FRA might be interested in, we shall see, no harm in trying.

