We had 6 of us at the Yorkshire FRA Social at the Sun Inn in Flockton on 24th September. Most of the time we chatted generally about robot things. However we did discuss the vacant position of Chair of the FRA, and said that Geoff had done a good job. The less good news is that there were no takers for his position.

I picked up a tip to wrap insulation tape around my magmotors if they tended to rotate in their clamps.

We watched some entertaining robots fights on Graemes mobile phone. Amazing what you can store on a mobile phone these days!

The evening ended with people looking at the body of my new robot in the back of the car. It will get finished ASAP! I want to see it working.

The next regional social may well a Christmas one, organised by Trevor Wright. It could be be a joint affair half-way between Nottingham and Huddersfield. Well tell you as soon as it has been sorted.

Jeremy Cuss