Just checking, and putting it in a thread where hopefully the next person to ask will be able to find it...

Size limits for events. Do the FRA impose the 2m x 1.2m limit that Mentorn had? Its not in the FRA rules, AFAICT - should it be mentioned, and if not whats the reasoning? Is it so event specific? (Perhaps the arena spec should mention door size?)

Equally, is the height limit still unspecified, beyond the contact us if youre very tall bit?

I know what the Mentorn rules say, but since Im building for live events, not Robot Wars, if theres an advantage to having a 2mx2m or 3mx1.2m robot, Id like to know whether I can think about it.

Also clarification on the whole issue of how its measured - must it have a longest dimension of (say) 2m and be no more than (say) 1.2m in a perpendicular dimension, or must it fit in a (say) 2m x 1.2m box (allowing a 2.33m diagonal).

Sorry to do this to death, I know its come up umpteen times before, but I thought having it somewhere obvious would help. (If it *is* somewhere obvious and Ive just failed to find it, oops.)
