What an Excellent Semi, and waddaya know, all but one of my predictions were proved right! Heres my view:


Tornado V Raging Knightmare

Well, thanks to some pisspoor editing at the start of this show, we all knew the outcome before the fight even began. Pretty boring way to start if you ask me, and very one-sided. A few mistimed flips by RK and some hard shoves against the arena wall, and they were down the pit. The outsome for this i believe was thoroughly predictable. However, shunt was flipped and that was cool, so it was fairly enjoyable. Seems as though even if Tornado use the disc, they can still push opponents around.

Gravity V Dantomkia

Again, editing decided the outcome before it even began. This fight was basically my prediction in action, that Dantomkia were flipped out in record time. How high did they go?? Also very one-sided, but fun.

St.Agro V X-Terminator

OUCH!! Awesome display by what must be for my money the most powerful UK disc ever. Never a chance for St.Agro, and i didnt think there would be. Once the flipper was bent out of shape, that was the end. They launched a few failed attacks and then XT let rip totally. A very impressive display overall.

Bulldog Breed V Tough As Nails

Not just the best fight of the semi, but what must be for me the best fight of the entire series. The only fight of the semi that was not all one-sided. Absoulutely awesome entertainment, TAN looked good as they came zooming out but from then on in Bulldog proved that TAN is pretty useless if it camt easily push opponents about. There was a moment when I thought Bulldog would be pitted, but i thought the judges made a good call. Ive watched robot wars ever since it first began and this is one of the greatest fights ive ever seen.


Qualified: Tornado, Gravity, X-Terminator, Bulldog Breed

Tornado V Gravity

The only fight I hadnt guessed correctly, Tornado were soon all over Gravity like a bad rash. As soon as a wheel was punctued, the end was in sight for the dutch machine. A somewhat ignominous end for what i thought was going to be the series champ, as they wee outpushed and out controlled by an impressive Tornado machine. But to their credit they did find time to chuck Tornado sky high twice

Bulldog Breed V X-Terminator

As has been said before, basically a longer version of the St.Agro fight for XT. Bulldog failed a couple of early charges and then had the flipper bent and it was all over. XT then proceded to rip the metallic heart out of the dawg. But kudos must go to Bulldog, they lasted nearly to a judges and they took all XT could throw at them before ending up stuck on the arena wall. I thought that XT went a little OTT attacking Bulldog but the flipper did seem to be working on Bulldog near the end, so who knows? They put in a good show I thought despite being thorougly outclassed.

Through to the final: Tornado, X-Terminator

High points: Bulldog V TAN, Dantomkia going OOTA in 6 seconds, Shunt being flipped.

Low points: None really, but seeing my all time favourite robot of series 7, Bulldog Breed, being mauled repeatedly kinda hurt.

Next week: Semi 2.