My tips (as i told Frank last night)

Typhoon II vs X-Terminater
I only see a Typhoon win on the cards, hopefully X-Terminater will make it to the thrid place playoff and not be wrecked ala Typhoon or House robots like Shunt did to Hypnodisc

Storm II vs Tornado
Tornado might well be able to pull something out theirt bag of interchangeable tricks but i only se Storm II with its supierior speed winning this one.

Third place playoff
If im right it will be X-Terminater vs Tornado. I back Tornado to take the third seed and last British spot in the World Championships

If im right it will be Storm II vs Typhoon II. I think Storm II will do the rags to riches going from New Blood champion to Domestic champion. Typhoon II has scary amounts of power but i think Storm II can take the beating or even get to them before they speed up. Even if Typhoon are spinning they have to be careful not to be pinged into the pit.

Thats my two penneth anyway.