Allow me to introduce myself to those who do not know me here. Im Steve McG and I am the creator of the Pussycat Tribute Tournament - a fan fic tournament started in Autumn 2002 as a late tribute to Pussycat driver David Gribbles passing away.
The fights in the 1st PTT (72 bots from 12 people) werent exactly War and Peace (no peace for a start ), but the tourney came to a successful close and was well received by the other member of the RW Forum

PTT2 rolled round in the spring of 2003 and with it came even more competitors - a total of 96 machines from 16 people! By now, my writing style was really improving and when the series came to a close (with one of the best fights Ive ever written IMO), the other members thought I was doing a great job...and thats a first!
Now, we come to PTT3. Started in the Summer/Autumn of 03, this, my finest creation, has really done me proud, containing some of my finest ever fights...and the Best Tournament Award on the old RW Forum. It wont be long now until this War also comes to an end, with 2 Heats, 2 Semis and the Final left to do...but right after that, Ive got another tourney project to carry out

Anyhoo, to get you all up to speed, what follows is a (semi)brief synopsis of ALL the PTTs to date! Hope you guys are bored, cause you sure will be once you start reading!