For those of you that havent seen the recent (14 Oct) email from BattleBots, here it is. Sounds good.

Greetings Bot builders,

Its been a long time since our last announcement, and we apologize for the
lack of communication. We are still being sued (have you read that
Gearheads book yet?), and that has distracted us while weve been busy
working behind the scenes trying to get BattleBots back on the air. Up
until this time weve had nothing firm to report, and knowing how this
community dislikes false promises we decided to shut up and get to work so
we could have good news for you.

Well, good news is here and its time to bring you up-to-date:

Well cut to the chase. Weve just returned from our first round of network
pitches and we already have offers on the table for the new BattleBots TV
show! One (very cool) network went as far to say that they have been
kicking themselves since BattleBots first went on the air, expressing that
they should be the home for the series.

This is great for the community because television is the exposure vehicle
that drives everything. With it, people are more inclined to buy tickets
for a live show; corporate sponsors are more interested in sponsoring robots
and the sport at large; licensors are more attracted to creating products
and merchandise that put money back into builders pockets. BattleBots and
all the other great robot tournaments will benefit greatly from BattleBots
being back on TV.

The TV show were pitching is quite different from what was on Comedy
Central. We all know how Comedy Central didnt get it, so weve hooked up
with new agents and a new production company (even new attorneys) that do
get it-that understand our sport; that grasp the passion of the builders,
that can reveal their real stories and know how to present to a mass

For business reasons we cant disclose what this new TV format is. Things
have to remain confidential while were in negotiations. But rest assured
you have to be, and will be, the first to know when the time is right. You
ll be proud to participate, and dont worry; well give you ample time to
get ready for what will be the most exciting and compelling robot combat
show that has ever been brought to television.

Although weve received a great response so far, there is still more of this
mountain to climb. In the coming weeks well continue to pitch the show,
follow up with networks that have made offers, and negotiate, negotiate,
negotiate. With continued hard work well be back on TV in 2004.

Our live tour event plans are moving full steam ahead. Yes, weve been
quiet, but that is because we are in deep negotiations with a large touring
company. This company owns stadiums across the country and is able to
promote and market to such a degree that tens of thousands of people buy
tickets for their sports events. They have been talking to us about doing
the same for BattleBots.

Any apparent delays have been due to nothing more than a business decision
to align our TV goals with our Tour goals. In short, we want to break out
full court press with a TV deal and national touring event simultaneously.
Our business partners see that as the best win-win situation.

Format-wise, the Live Tour will be similar to past BattleBots shows, only
smaller, more manageable, double-elimination, and no seeding advantage for
high-ranked veteran robots-the slate will be wiped clean.

Again, well release all the fine details as soon as we can, and there will
be ample time to get ready.

Since third parties (like Comedy Central) unfortunately still have rights to
the name and likeness of each robot subject to the BattleBots Player
Agreement, our hands are tied, and the Player Agreement remains in effect.
This is simply the cost of doing business with television and merchandising
entities that require exclusive rights. Rights that are exercised will
generate a royalty and builders will be paid accordingly. That being said,
it was never our intention to tie anyone down, and it is certainly NOT our
intention to sue any builders. We will endeavor to minimize these
exclusivities in the future as much as possible.

Okay, we know were not the best at keeping you up-to-date. But its simply
a matter of playing our cards close to our chest for business (and legal)
reasons, and not wanting to announce unconfirmed information. Well blast
out future emails when the time is right, and in the meantime do not
hesitate to contact us personally.

Best Regards,

Trey and Greg
BattleBots Inc.