Following the success of the two recent featherweight events (Inspire in Norwich and the Featherweight Smash in Redditch) weve teamed up to bring you the next big featherweight event.

December 13th and 14th in Norwich will be the closing featherweight event of this season. With a purpose built feather arena, complete with purpose built hazards. Youre all invited to take part in what will be the biggest featherweight event yet with cash prizes and Technobots vouchers being given away like never before.

Registration will soon be open on the website as before, and whilst space isnt limitied at the moment anyone wanting to come would be well advised not to hang around.

There will be a main knockout competition and plenty of sideshow competitions to keep everyone busy... and prizes for as many categories as we can think of.... The award for being on the recieving end of the hit of the day ????

Anyway.... we all just wanted to let everyone know that the event is going ahead, and well post on here as soon as registration opens on the website !

Take care

Ed H, Ed M, Jas H and Mr Stu