I usually run Cytron dual control 60 amp esc's in my feathers which are perfectly good and quite reliable but after

my latest battles at Robodojo one has developed a fault, I think there is not enough voltage getting to the receiver

and as it is powered by the ESC, I don't have a clue how to find the fault or fix it- having said that Imay be able to

power the receiver with a separate battery pack of AA-anyone with any advice on this would be appreciated.

Anyway here's the main point, because the Cytrons are quite large-better in heavies really and they restrict how

compact you can build a feather I was looking at single ESC's but if I put 2 single ESC's in-will I have to use Tank

steering or is there a way to run them off one stick without a clash -ie when I go forward and also left or right it will

be getting a negative and positive voltage to the motors at the same time-won't it?.