Hey there, welcome to the forum!

I need an ESC, wheels to get me started and progress to tank tracks when I've got it all working. I need the materials to mount all the gear to, as a base. I'm hoping for inspiration as I go along, with a degree of flexibility in the design along the way.
So if you wanted a ESC, I could recommend trying out a pair of BotBitz controllers (https://ranglebox.com/shop/product/b...a-brushed-esc/ for example) as they are pretty reliable in my experience and can handle the nominal voltage of the drills you mention. Base, can't go wrong with something like a 10mm HDPE base panel. Easy to machine and work on.

I like the idea of a Jerry Can, very mechanical feel to it. What I should note is that, like Bread Dead Redemption, the metal is going to be fairly thin and I guess would easily buckle under the inertia of some of the robots on the scene. You probably want to wall around the bottom bit with some more HDPE (15mm maybe) so the main can itself isn't reachable.

Tracks are rare in the FW class, Aegis is the only one that springs to my mind of being a tracked robot (and I not sure if that is correct either). I might suggest basing it on a chain with some low shore rubber treads for extra traction. It'll definitely be unique on the scene.