Alright so quick question regarding servos. I've modified the servo I'm using to turn 360 degrees. I've done this by putting 2 x 2.2k resistors in place of where a petentiometer should go, so that upon recieving a signal, it never hits a limit telling it to stop, and so will keep turning until the transmitter gives it a new command. I've also removed a stopping pin on one of the drive gears of the servo, so with both of these changes, it essentially functions like a motor/ESC combo.

A picture of the modified servo board

I have however run into a problem. When everything has been bound, the servos default state seems to be to rotate clockwise slowly. After monitoring the signals given by my transmitter, it seems that it stops turning when in the position of -12, but I can only modify my trims to +10 and -10, so even at max trim setting, it keeps turning, albeit slower. My question is if anyone knows if there is any way on the DEVO 7E transmitter to extend the trims to further then what the physical switches allow, and to increase the dead zones on the transmitter so that it's not quite as sensitive in the centre. If anyone has any other suggestions then I would be welcome to hear those as well.