Done some work to Forge Master but i am waiting on parts and money. Planning on buying a bench drill just need to find a good deal somewhere. But i haven't been ideal.

I fixed the wedge and welded up the hammer shaft and sproket (not that well, sproket is not straight) but the major thing has bean driving and testing the new drive.

Test 1

Went well until a pinion slipped on he left hand motor, fixed now with a spacer and some loctite.

But noted that wedge was lifting alot due to increase amout of power in the driver soo for the next test i added a bumper bar thing.

Test 2

Drove it hard for 4 minutes and was going well intill i smelt something warm. Stop tired to see what was warm, esc felt fine (kinda surprising 30a ESC Driving 775, maddness) motors where a tad warm but i taped up the vents to keep out junk. battery was fine so i thought it was nothing. Drove not as hard then magic white smoke.....

Burnt a motor bushing holder melted.

Anyway on track for Granthem