Get the bed level thats the first important thing. When levelling, adjust the sprung nut/screw so that you cannot pull the paper out from between bed and nozzle, then slowly tighten a bit and try moving the paper, and repeat until the paper can move but you can still feel the paper has some very small resistance.

I would advise not using ABS to begin with as its a bit more problematic and PLA will get you going. Then move onto PETG. getting started with printing using ABS is adding a few more hurdles to get going. It also needs a good chamber of heat and a heated bed of 110 degrees, so make sure you are at the right temp. This could also be why it is not sticking if you have the wrong temp.

When the level is right you should be able to just leave it and it will print fine multiple times over.

Let us know how you get on levelling and then with the PLA, you shall find it is good with this. PLA bed temp of 60-70, and nozzle temp of 195-215 depending on the brand/properties.

Z offset is not needed, but if its still dragging in the material after a few layers check the diameter of the PLA filament and check to make sure its correct in the slicer settings.