Hey guys, thanks for the input. Unfortunately it's not been a particularly good outcome.

I tried using the video in Shooty's post, and the second I did it, not only did nothing happen, but one of my Botbitz ESCs began to get very, very hot. Tried it with only one side and it worked fine, so I think I've managed to blow my ESC somehow. The motor works fine, but the receiver won't behave itself if I wire the broken one up.

Go ahead and laugh - I got a soldering iron for christmas, turned out to be a shitty 8W Maplin handheld one, so I've been using screw connectors instead. This is how it's looked at the WIP stage wiring wise. Below is a picture of the ESC after Ellis told me it was alright to remove the covering to take a look - being an incompetent spud I can't actually tell what's wrong with it.

Something's telling me I'm not cut out for robotics. :/