Hi, new to the forums. Just put in my membership today.

I'm looking to try and enter featherweight class at Stevenage on the 1st and 2nd October. I've got engineering experience and funds to do so, but I've ran into a critical problem.

I currently live in a shared accommodation that doesn't include a garage. I've tried looking for garages but the majority I can find are all unpowered storage. Most of these are near residential which I believe would rule out generators (landlords I've asked so far get very quiet on hearing about the power needs), and I'm not too sure about the safety of running very high power inverters for welding.

I work and live around the Stevenage / Ware area need to find some kind of solution where I can put it together, but I'm running into a wall here. Has anyone had the same problem and what solutions did you have?