I've been happily running my 3D printer for a couple of years now and it's been amazing for helping me do some more interesting designs however it's still has its limits. Limits fixed using desktop CNC!

I'm trying to find a low cost (Sub £400) Desktop CNC machine that I can use to cut out polycarbonate pieces. The cutting area doesn't need to be big at all, I only really see myself doing antweights and maybe the occasional parts for beetle weights on it. I expect thicknesses of up to 6mm Polycarbonate. I've considered laser cutters but they aren't really suitable for my needs and most are just too big.

I've been looking around and it seems a shapeoko is popular but it's above my price range, other options are a MillRight Mk3, one of the generic ones off ebay or to buy another printer and convert (though often these aren't quite right for it).

I don't mine one that needs a good bit of tinkering as I'm pretty used to that but wondered if people here had any suggestions.