Thanks for comments everyone. It was a very tough heat but a fun one to film in.

With regards to the drive motors, I will say categorically that their failure was my fault and not that of NPC. Essentially the drive motors weren't shock mounted as they should have been. Had they been then they wouldn't have had issue. This will be something I'm putting into place if there is a series 2. The wheels were just cheap sack truck puncture proof wheels. In retrospect, not appropriate for use as the hubs were made of thin stamped steel. I'll be removing these and upgrading in favour of something a little tougher. I'm keeping the exposed wheels as it wasn't the fact they were exposed that caused issues and it would detract from the look of the machine.

With regards to the disc. It currently only spins in one direction. I would however like to drop our twin solenoid control in favour of full speed control. This would allow us to not only run in each direction but to also run the disc at less than full speed if we fancy (not that we generally would). I LOVE the crazy gyro dancing when we are upside down. I've had a few recommendations to try and stabilise it or a self righter but to hell with it, it's cool so it stays