I’ve been trying to catch up on everything and have gotten a little confused with all the different groups and tournaments.

I get that the various groups have held their own events and tournaments but which, if any, is considered the main UK championship?

I kind of assumed Roaming Robots were still holding the UK champs (possibly under the Robot Wars brand now that they have merged), but I saw that there was also an FRA UK championship hosted by Robots Live. Has this taken over from the Roaming Robots tournaments, with the Roaming Robots/ Robot Wars shows as separate events? Or are there now two UK championships; one by FRA/ Robots Live and one by Roaming Robots/ Robot Wars?

I made a similar post to this back in 2011, but life kind of exploded a bit and I completely forgot about it until now. Many apologies and thanks to psychostorm for answering that one!