Gaunt stood idly by his desk contemplating the huge form that had crushed a good portion of the room he was in. The sense he was getting from it made him very curious indeed. Occasionally he would glance back at the area where he had materialized in the room. It didn't seem as if anyone was going to be following him anytime soon. He wondered vaguely if time was even reckoned the same between the two places, not that it made much of a difference at present.

Walking directly up to the platform had perhaps not been one of his best decisions, but the sudden onrush of frigid cold had made him rather angry and even he had to admit that he never did his best thinking from a position of anger. In any case he was here now and he was interested to see more the place around him. He had brought chaos everywhere he had traveled, but that huge, prone figure suggested the potential for mayhem on an entirely different level.

He picked up his materials and took out one sheet of his stationary. Among the assorted clutter of the room he found a writing utensil that still worked and began to write:

Greetings fellow traveler. As you can see there is very little of interest in this location so I am going out to investigate more of the surroundings. I may be returning here at some point so feel free to leave a message of your own on this paper.

Leland Gaunt
Owner/Proprietor of Scared Treasures
Hell, Michigan

Gaunt found a suitable chunk of rubble and placed on his makeshift desk. Certainly his desk was conspicuous enough to get the attention of anyone who would look around the room unless they were remarkably dim, in which case he didn't care if they saw it or not.

With that he turned to the nearest exit and walked out.