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Thread: The Last Oddetsey

  1. #411
    Good. She was back to seeing reason. And it seemed he was at least able to keep her distrust and negative emotions focused mostly on Vengeance and not as much on him. That bit about her companions now, very interesting. He wondered if they were as temperamental as she was.

    "Yes, I completely agree. It's so much better to do things your own way. The stories I could tell you about when someone with their own ideas gets in your way..." Gaunt trailed off with a sneer. The memory of that interfering busybody Sheriff Alan Pangborn surfaced in his mind.

    "I don't expect we'll get much from Vengeance. No doubt he'll try to keep the most important information to himself so he can think he holds all the cards."

    Gaunt paused and looked thoughtfully at the hat.

    "With that in mind, I'd be careful with that hat. Right now it's a good bargaining chip you have over him, but I'd also be wary. Odd that he would give that to person he probably viewed as the biggest direct threat to him wouldn't you say? Was it just a matter of giving it to the person he thought would be able to keep it safest? But why leave it at all? I think there may be something very unsafe about that hat."

  2. #412

    Look, it's a very simple question, everyone! Yes, it is true that I have been known on occasion to be a massive git, but I am currently a massive git with the heavily fortified levitating estate of the one man who is supposed to be the key to saving the entirety of the multiverse.

    It might be a touch handy is what I'm saying.

    Listen. I think we've established that I don't give a monkey's whether you like me or not - I'm a supervillain, for God's sake, not an Avon representative - so maybe instead of debating that particular issue again for a few more excrutiating hours, we can pool our resources, pluck that rift-wrecking rabble-rouser from his intergalactic hentai prison and make him fix this bloody mess properly so we can all go back to our respective universes just in time for tea! OK?

    No, but seriously, hat. Gimme. Over.


  3. #413
    Quote Originally Posted by steven_mcg View Post
    Look, it's a very simple question, everyone! Yes, it is true that I have been known on occasion to be a massive git, but I am currently a massive git with the heavily fortified levitating estate of the one man who is supposed to be the key to saving the entirety of the multiverse.
    Wait a second... that castle belonged to this Doomforall guy??? "How the hell did you manage to... to... oh never mind..." grumbled Eudial. "But that only makes this deal more suspicious."
    Quote Originally Posted by steven_mcg View Post
    Listen. I think we've established that I don't give a monkey's whether you like me or not - I'm a supervillain, for God's sake, not an Avon representative - so maybe instead of debating that particular issue again for a few more excrutiating hours, we can pool our resources, pluck that rift-wrecking rabble-rouser from his intergalactic hentai prison and make him fix this bloody mess properly so we can all go back to our respective universes just in time for tea! OK?
    Well, Eudial would have retorted in like fashion, but clearly the others thought she was insane, and she didn't want that either. Clearly Eudial did care what the others thought of her... a thought that made her sick. So Eudial made no response. It did quite irritate her that this utterly annoying fool was far, far more powerful than her. Why were the silly ones more potent?!? By proxy, Mimet - No, don't think about that ditzy bitch... Eudial groaned.
    Quote Originally Posted by steven_mcg View Post
    No, but seriously, hat. Gimme. Over.
    "If you want your hat so much, why don't you come down and get it? Or if you so wish, 'Beam me up, Scotty'," sniffed the Witch. "But if nothing else, you'll be pleased to know that nothing of consequence happened to it. Of course, floods, murderous psychics, and giant slugs don't exactly help matters."

  4. #414

    George, perhaps a little overzealous in his new duties, teleports Eudial to Doomforall's castle, as what had appeared to be some vintage wooden panelling slides down to reveal the Witch standing on a teleport pad a few meters from where Vengeance is standing. She looks like she wants to be sick again.

  5. #415
    headachy... not making a fancy post now, maybe editing it in later...

    anyway Aurelia joins Vengeance and sees if Doomforall has got information on how to best fight Doomforall... the man seems crazy prepared and I'm just SURE he has prepared himself for "having to fight myself"-scenario's
    Last edited by majinb; 6th April 2014 at 21:35.

  6. #416

    With a few flicks of buttons, Aurelia sets course to dock with the castle. Aboard the fortress George operates the hangar controls and suddenly great swathes of vines and creepers are swept back as a chasm of a hangar opens in the side and the ship docks almost silently, and closes behind them.

    Once disembarked onto the tasteful wood and stone platform a holomagic interface appears before them, appearing to each of the group as a translucent pink pixelated version of themselves.

    "Welcome to The Castle. Please state request."

    The holomagic then proceeds to give directions to major locations within the castle includign sleeping quarters, the library, the mess hall, where Vengeance and Eudial are currently stationed and any other basic function rooms that you currently have access to.
    Last edited by alex_holt; 6th April 2014 at 21:45.

  7. #417
    "Interface, inform me of your purpose please."

  8. #418
    "I am a holomagic interface, capable of any computational functionalities you may wish including but not limited to: providing information, carrying out requests related to the operation of the castle and its contents, recording and processing data and providing tactical situational analysis."

  9. #419
    "Interface, tell me, has Doomforall ever prepared himself to fight himself if it ever comes to that?"

  10. #420
    "Not directly, he has never specifically prepared to fight himself. However, in anticipation of the current situation he provided a complete profile of himself to be unlocked in the event of Professor Vengeance arriving here after Doomforall himself succumbed to the rift."

    While there is a tediously long amount of information, often fairly rambling, there are sections on Powers, Tactics and Weaknesses."

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