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Thread: The Last Oddetsey

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  1. #1
    Welcome to The Last Oddestsey, this will be a little differently structured than previous Oddestseys, but most of the reasons for that will become apparent during the story.

    This time, I’m actually going to devise a very basic stat system, which is as follows:

    Firstly pick your species and gender, as always it can be anything, though bear in mind if you picked something like “kryptonian” I will balance things out in whatever way I see fit, be it through liberal availability of kryptonite, or kryptonian body parts being widely desired for medicinal purposes – whatever seems like a good fit. I say species very loosely – robots, energy beings, sentient objects etc are all welcome.

    At this point list any innate powers of your species, these can be whatever you want, but please try to keep them finite. As a rule of thumb, aim for a mid-level superhero at highest.

    STRENGTH: Melee weapon damage and hit-points
    AGILITY: Dodging, acrobatics, stealth and ranged weapon damage
    INTELLIGENCE: Number of skills and spells you can learn
    WILL: Determines diplomacy, power of spells and special abilities.

    You have ten points to spend across those four categories. You can have a score of zero that would just amount to slightly subnormal for a human in that regard.

    For each point in intelligence you can pick a skill, which can be anything you want from skill with a certain weapon to certain type of machine to stealth to lock-picking to knowledge of a certain kind of thing. The more specific you are the more powerful in that instance, so if someone decided they wanted their skill to be “bear-fighting”, they would be good at fighting bears, but not as good at fighting polar bears as someone who picked “polar-bear-fighting” though someone who picks polar bear fighting would be fairly poor at fighting a grizzly.

    The story this time is going to be entirely done on an individual character basis, so there is no need for a team to co-operate if you don’t want to.

    So…. Final format:

    Physical description:



    D20 Roll: (go here and roll a 20 sided dice and tell me the result. You'll find out what this is for when we start. Don't assume a higher number is necessarily desirable, I'm going to flip a coin once an entry is in to decide if high or low is better. Also the worse one might be more fun potentially.

    I don't have a set number of entries for places, I'm more interested in active players than people who sign up quickly, so after we initially start if you want to join send me your character by private message and I'll throw you into the game.
    Last edited by alex_holt; 24th February 2014 at 16:40.

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