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Thread: The Last Oddetsey

  1. #241

  2. #242
    Marisa grabbed her additional belongings, put on the watch (and being momentairly facinated with the changing numbers. They just don't have stuff like this in Gensokyo!) and stowing whatever else she could in her pockets and in her hat. She then carefully reached into the bag just in case something neat came out of it. She didn't want to wreck the thing, who knows how long it's been sitting there. She may yet need a bag for her bag, but that can wait.


    She joined the others, and observed the goings on. stared at the Alakazam a bit. Weird fellow, with them spoons.
    The Angel is awfully good with that bike too.
    From there everything just kinda melted together in her mind, with the spoon guy telling angel lady to go to some club (It sounds like a neat place at least) and Vengance saying something about a relic, dumping his hat on poor Eudial and hoofing it out of there.

    "Uhmm, bye?" Marisa called out as the prof took off, and then looked to Eudial, feeling a bit bad for the responcibility that had just literally been dumped into her hands.

    "Do you fancy some a capella singing Vortigon?"
    Oh dear. We're in a musical now. Marisa hurriedly assembled her thoughts and mumbled with a straight face, as if just realizing it, "Wow. This place is really weird, ze."

  3. #243

  4. #244
    The Cucumberoo brings another bag of holding appropriate for the psycat over. He also brings a collar with a tiny house built into the bottom of it for the accountant-mouse to live in. Why exactly he has these things ready and gives them away freely is a mystery of the universe.

    "Cleo the Feline, you made quite the impressive dent in our composure field, and we apologise that we applied it to you, if we had known you were there we would have made sure to exclude you. However, as such we would like to extend an invitation to become a member of the Psi-corps, at the moment we could use a mind of your potency as I'm sure you can see. I would be honoured to show you around our headquarters to help you make your mind up if you want. You may bring 2 companions should you wish.

    As to your question, it was another member of the Psi-corps, but not me personally, I believe possibly it might have been the Brain of Krull. She tends to be assigned to alert duty due to her projection range."


    Marissa reached into the bag and pulled out... a strange clockwork fish made of brass. It appeared to be alive and not requiring water to live but flapped around helplessly.



    Vengeance strides up to the front of the Cathedral after a battle against the evil forces of Melded's bizarre public transport, which had involved a number of changes including a giant ladybird, a Da Vinci style helicopter, and, for some reason, a sledge pulled by aubergines.

    The Cathedral is the biggest free-standing building that Vengeance has ever seen, and this for a man who has owned his fair share of massive secret complexes. It somewhat resembles what would happen if you took Sagrada Familia in Barcelona, multiplied it by the Taj Mahal, Notre Dame and an overgrown patch of brambles and had it be so massive that the stones of the first few floors had been compressed into crystals by the weight.

    As Vengeance enters inside he discovers that the innards of the place are designed as as if was grown of great stone trees, and the floor was alive with a living mosaic which moved in radiant fractal patterns in brilliant colours spinning around a central hub in the centre of the room. Vengeance walked towards this hub cautiously, but even as he neared the centre point he suddenly began to grow dizzy until he could no longer distinguish anything... and then.... he was elsewhere.....


  5. #245
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    The macaw gave a quick thanks to the Cucumberoo, returned to the casket, and began scooping the currency into his new bag. It was a relatively small bag, but then Twitch didn't have too much to carry around with him, and he was probably the smallest of the ragtag clan at the moment. It would definitely look wierd if the bag was larger than he was.

    Eventually, all 100 pieces of currency were inside the bag, along with his stringed magnet and that cassette of whoever "Abba Gold" was. Grabbing the bag's handles with his feet, he suddenly shot up into the air, much further than he had intended. Twitch looked down at the bag, expecting it to be weighing him down at least a little, but it was like he wasn't carrying anything at all! He could have started raving on about it for some time, but his attention was caught at that point by a tinny rattling sound. Marisa appeared to have found a small clockwork fish from somewhere. Gliding down, Twitch landed alongside the fish, curiously examining its workings. "Where'd you find that?" he asked?

  6. #246
    "Excuse me?! Who the HELL do you think you - "

    But Vengeance was already gone.

    " - are."

    Eudial just stared after the Prof. in disbelief. She was now saddled with the responsibility... of taking care of a hat. A hat! And Vengeance, powerful as he was, would curdle her like fresh milk upon... upon the slightest nick in it.

    Well, that boosted her confidence... not.

    Eudial gazed at everyone else in amazement, but she could tell from their faces: better you than me. She wondered if the Prof. had purposely done this because of her earlier cowardice. An extreme longing to rip the hat into microscopic shreds pounded through her, and her hands trembled in boiling anger. What she would give to see the look on his face if she went through with her urge... !!!

    ...but no. A modicum of calm was passing through her, and she stopped shaking. No, blind rage wasn't the way to go here. Now wasn't the time for petty squabbles. The situation was too serious for that, and called for professionalism, even with all these freaks and yahoos around. And then an even better idea came to her mind; a devilish grin crept onto her face. Instead of tearing the Prof.'s headwear into subatomic particles, or scalding it into ash, she merely tipped it on her own head and put a hand to her hip, smirking.

    "Not my usual choice for a hat, but it'll do," remarked Eudial. "Now, our next course of action..." She cast a withering look at Vortigon, still smirking.
    Last edited by kodster; 6th March 2014 at 14:24.

  7. #247
    Aurelia, standing besides Cleo now:"Exactly what would the Old Worlds Society desire from me, dear Alakazam?"

  8. #248
    Marisa blinked at her newfound fish, she expected it to slip out of her hands but it wasn't slippy enough. But on the other hand it obviously wasn't dying either.

    "Where'd you find that?"
    "Oh, I pulled it out of my bag." Marisa said, still looking at the fish with mild shock, "I wonder what I should do with it. Maybe find him some water or something? Oh, but wait, it might rust, uhm..." not being able to think of anything else to do with it, she tried to pet it and see if it would calm down while half hoping the cucumberoo would point her to the nearest fish tank.

  9. #249
    "I don't know that they would have a use for you, I'm just following the Star's request that I introduce you to them"


    Upon petting the fish it suddenly collapsed inwards in a neatly designed way into a small brass cube which seemed inert. A second tap brought it fully back to life again and it continued purposefully wiggling as before, though not in an especially stressed way.

  10. #250

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