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Thread: The Last Oddetsey

  1. #81

  2. #82
    Aurelia successfully flies up and smashes the glass which comes showering down on the rest of the party. It reveals a small office and observation deck, complete with a filing cabinet, some sort of array of crystals and strange twisted pieces of glass which seem to be set up to record things somehow and a very tattered WANTED poster of extremely dangerous individuals to watch out for.

    At the back of the room is a locked door, but it could be kicked in fairly easily from the look of things.

    Caspasian replies to Twitch: "I am afraid that I know nothing of this ventilation system, I had not witnessed it until your friend mashed the keypad"

  3. #83
    kick in that door!

  4. #84
    The door breaks down and leads to what would have originally been some rather forgettable corridors, but further down to your left you see that a huge section of the complex you are in has been crushed away by what appears to be a titanic armoured knee attached to legs measured in kilometres. This complex itself was truly huge, and staring across the crushed building you see several other rooms like the one you started in broken apart as well as floors and floors of offices. There is no sign of sentient life nearby although a few crow wheel overhead and on the edge of your hearing the distant sounds of a city...

    Caspasian is suddenly beside you, vanishing from the room below. "Thankyou my friend - you are a true ally of the Trans-Solar Host after all! Let me restore a gift to you in thanks!"

    With this he touches the depowered sword and energy pours from his fingers into it and suddenly the sword begins to glow.

    "I have instilled some of my essence into it, it may not be what it once was as a holy weapon, but it should help in your fight against the darkness. It has the power of solar fire - at your will it can be as hot and as radiant as the sun should you wish it at the merest thought. Use it to drive back the night! Have you any last questions before I leave friend of light?"


    Meanwhile, the Professor tests his power gems on the corpse of the Pig-Dragon:

    The Ruby creates a fairly conventional if very fine hot-laser which cuts through effortlessly.
    The Emerald proves to be a concussive sonic blast funnelled in a narrow cone, and could be used non lethally should you want.
    The Sapphire is some kind of unusual energy "cold laser" which super cools things to the point where they become brittle and shatter. The cut is less precise than the ruby, but less damaging to the rest of the object.

    (In addition to a laser of choice, the cane also possesses a sword blade, a selection of manual tools and a helicopter blade that could also work as a bullet shield)

    The Pig Dragon is dissected somewhat by the time the Professor is finished testing his new gems, and he extracts an unusual bezoar in its digestive system which could probably be used in healing some more obscure ailments.
    Last edited by alex_holt; 24th February 2014 at 23:43.

  5. #85
    *nothing happens to the macaw as it's on the platform, so Eudial decides to go back to the "recent logs" bit and see if there is any information they can use*

  6. #86
    Chief Analysts Log #463
    The singularity has got far worse, the Powers are holding it at bay for now, but already some of the lesser ones are beginning to burn out under the strain. An Grey Void-Archon has set itself up nearby, but I have been informed it is a fairly old one and so will likely succumb within six months. I have sent non-essential staff home - very few new arrivals are turning up now anyway.
    - Dr Veridian

    Chief Analysts Log #464
    - We have had only one arrival in the past month, a Crag Gryphon named Anjushree who seemed to be a *deliberate* arrival - there hasn't been one of those in generations. The Gryphon insisted that it could help hold back the singularity, but I am in no position to help, and so directed it towards the council. I cannot justify keeping anyone here any longer and I and the few remaining staff are returning home to spend the last year of the multiverse with our loved ones.

    Automated Arrival Log #0012423524
    Species: Himalayan Crag Gryphon
    Name: Anjushree

    Automated Arrival Log #0012423525
    Species: Western Pig-dragon
    Name: unknown

    Species: Solar Host Warrior
    Name: unknown

    Automated Arrival Log #0012423526
    Species: Human (female)
    Name: unknown

    Species: Human (male)
    Name: Unknown

    Species: Polymorphous Bargaining Demon
    Name: Leland Gaunt

    Species: Scarlet Macaw
    Name: unknown

    Species: Seraphim - Warrior Cast
    Name: unknown

    Species: Human Mutant (male)
    Name: unknown

    Species: Psycat
    Name: unknown

    Species: Human (female)
    Name: unknown

    Species: Human (female)
    Name: unknown

    Species: Human (Male)
    Name: Professor Reginald Fortescue Vengeance (Esq.)

  7. #87

  8. #88
    You know, young man, I was beginning to wonder the same thing myself.

    I know, I know. It's all a bit much to take in at once, isn't it? Sharing a cell block with the most important, intelligent and - dare I say - pretty sort of marvellous criminal mastermind in the world? Rest assured, gentle yokels, there'll be plenty of time for signing your prison tattoos when we're no longer in mortal danger, OK? OK.

    The good news is that we are not defenceless. At least I'm not anyway. Somebody has gone to a lot of trouble to upgrade my cane here and it was already pretty spiffy before I got here. That means whoever banged us up in here also wanted us to get out again and ensure that we are adequately protected. Some sort of crude intelligence test, no doubt, designed to test our mettle for something greater. This isn't my first time with this sort of thing. Unfortunately.

    The bad news is that they still banged us up in the first place. Evidently our captors believe us each to be a great enough threat that simply asking for help was never even considered. Whoever is behind this, they must love to play puppetmaster. I should know. It's terrific fun!

    Well, "know thy enemy" as they say. Let me have a crack at those controls. The sooner we find out where we are and how to get out of here, the sooner we can figure out who's behind all of this. Trust me. I'm a bit of a dab hand with big red buttons.

    (Note to self: find a bathroom at the nearest possible convenience. I refuse to go "questing" with my hands smeared in chimera giblets.)

  9. #89
    *Eudial just stares at the words describing the Prof., and at "SIGNAL AUTOMATICALLY SENT TO THE TOWER" below them, unaware the Prof. is right behind her. Now she begins to tremble a bit, but these words go through her mind:*




    *Eudial whips around and finds the Prof like right there (literally). She shrieks and nearly falls onto the controls* Wh-what do YOU want?!?
    Let me have a crack at those controls. The sooner we find out where we are and how to get out of here, the sooner we can figure out who's behind all of this. Trust me. I'm a bit of a dab hand with big red buttons.
    *Eudial is on the verge of attacking the Prof., but begins to calm down; after all, the Prof. isn't exactly losing his head here*

    Who are you?! *Eudial backs off nonetheless, allowing Vengeance to get near the controls, though it's more that she's suddenly terrified of him*

  10. #90
    "Who am I?"

    You don't know the great Professor Vengeance? Supervillain extraordinaire? The world's greatest criminal mind? Villainesque's Best-Dressed Megalomaniac three years running?

    ...You're serious, aren't you?

    Honestly, what is it with the young offenders of today?

    [Eudial backs off from the controls]

    Thank you. I suppose.

    Right, let's see here. First, let's get that emergency door open, then I'll have a little browse through the system and see if I can't learn anything more about this dismal place.

    (Or about my cell-mates, for that matter...)

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