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Thread: The Last Oddetsey

  1. #201
    NFX's Avatar

    Twitch had been hovering near the door for the duration of the conversation between The Professor and the cucumberoo. He, like much of the group, had been dutifully listening in, but while Eudial, Leland and the other human seemed to be mulling over what information had been imparted, Twitch's expression remained oddly fixed. Much like his magnet to the door handle, which he still hadn't noticed. The cucumberoo and The Professor seemed quite content to have their back and forth banter, while Twitch remained by the door of the church, able to wrap his feathered head around not one single word of what was being said.

    "There's just one part of this I don't quite fully understand..." he told the group, crest folding itself down a little, "...everything."

  2. #202

  3. #203
    "Well, the Grand Cathedral is the other side of the city... but the trains haven't been running since they diverted the power into the shields so you'll have to find your own way there. Also....errrrr....."

    He hesitates as if Vengeance's rant has actually convinced him of his authenticity

    "Well we had some strange deliveries the other week, we are only a small church but we were told to house some relics until someone came to get them, and that it'd be obvious who they are for. There is one for you Almighty Vengeance in the room to the back of the church, that seems to be operated by some sort of elaborate scanning and such, and there were 16 boxes and nine keys - of which you may have one each, apparently the key will be destroyed when you open the box of your choice."

    Vengeance's room appears to a polished metal sphere hovering at waist high and with markings to place hands upon it.

    The room of the others consists of a number of heavy duty metal caskets with a keyhole in each, they appear to have pictures representing the same lesser prophets as had statues outside, plus five others, in total:

    An Elven looking woman with scarred arms appearing to cast some sort of spell
    A stereotypical australian, complete with cork hat, a boomerang in one hand and a skewer of shrimps in the other
    A Vampire who gives the impression of thinking he was very cool with bleached hair, shade and a katana
    A human man with lightning coming to one hand and extracting a fish from his pocket with another
    A huge samurai troll who looks even more muscled than usual for his species
    A despairing looking zombie
    A strange catfish like creature who looks far more intelligent than a catfish like creature has a right to
    A dagger wielding hispanic woman
    A cybernetic assassin looking man
    A Metapenguin
    A young boy surrounded by electricity
    A the most French man any of the party has ever seen
    A marrowak
    A Rock Musician
    A dinosaur
    A rapier weilding elf

    Spod and Aurelias keys won't be available until they visit here themselves.
    Last edited by alex_holt; 3rd March 2014 at 14:15.

  4. #204
    Eudial blinked. Keys? And who were these statues? Intriguing... specifically the Elven looking woman and the hispanic woman stood out most... if only to Eudial. She was taking in the words of the creature slowly, as if trying to put it all together.

    Almost absent-mindedly, she took a key and stood looking between the two pictures and respective boxes. Back in the other room, the Elven woman's statue alone had seemed to give off a powerful aura, but Eudial also sensed a burning willpower from the hispanic woman's statue. They were just statues, how could this be?

    After some deliberation, Eudial went and opened the Elven woman's casket.
    Last edited by kodster; 3rd March 2014 at 13:53.

  5. #205
    Gaunt looked closely at all the caskets. This whole thing seemed absurd. At any rate there didn't seem to be much in the way of determining what the casket would contain so he decided to pick one at random. The one with the Metapenguin seemed to mentally call out to him and he took the key and opened it.

  6. #206

  7. #207
    NFX's Avatar

    Twitch was in way over his head. Still all but clueless as to what was going on. Still, sticking with the group seemed to be the way to go. At least they were all in the same boat, more or less. As he examined the caskets, he was drawn to the drawing of a strange looking bipedal creature with a skull with ears for a head, and a bone in one hand. He wasn't sure why, maybe it looked somehow friendlier than the rest. It certainly looked friendlier than the catfish type thing. Smug piece of <expletive>.

    Grabbing a key with his magnet ("Whoopee, it finally came in handy!" his inner monologue read), he flew towards his chosen casket, lowered it towards the keyhole...and missed. Coming down to land, he picked up the key in his beak instead, and - after a few moments clumsily trying to align it correctly - opened up the casket. Not having hands was becoming quite the nuisance for him, it turned out...

  8. #208
    The three who look their keys opened up their chosen caskets and found that they all contained a basic set of utility items:

    100 credits (around £100)
    A com system connected to each other for communicating at a distant
    A watch counting down to a specific date (which would appear, in real world terms, to be the same day as Midnight GMT on the 30th of April)

    Each container also contains one other item:

    Eudial's casket contains a blood stained knife that appears to be a powerful charged battery of magic, albeit of a kind that causes her skin to itch. It would seem to be of a holy nature so using this energy would presumably be super effective against any sort of unholy things.

    Leland Gaunt finds that his container contains a waistcoat, which seems to grant immunity to any level of cold you could find on earth, and also seems to have a finely made telescopic harpoon hidden in an inner pocket along with a number of tiny marble sized smoke bombs.

    As Twitches casket opens it initially seems to contain a huge skull of a Marowack which must weigh as much as Twitch himself, however, even as he looks at it, it reforms into a far smaller helmet that would fit as a helmet on his own head, and seems impossibly hard.

  9. #209
    Eudial blinked rather rapidly and carefully removed the bloody blade from the casket. She clearly felt the weapon exuding copious amounts of holy energy... so much so that it was irritating her skin... a lot. Wait, why a holy weapon? She was evil! Was this going to be like a double-edged sword, so to speak? Quickly she sheathed it to her black beltline and tried really hard to ignore her heavily itching wrists now, pocketing the other objects as well.

    "I feel... weird," said Eudial lamely. Then she went on, more loudly, "But whatever. I see we have a time to go by, now. This cannot be just a coincidence." She looked at Gaunt and the others.

  10. #210
    Gaunt removed the basic supplies from chest. Some currency! That could come in handy if they were able to find some kine of shop or barter location. He had the bargaining skills Arab traders could only dream of after all. The communicator was a nice little tidbit. The watch now. It was counting down to to a specific times. Countdowns. So now they were on some kind of time limit.

    Then he saw the waistcoat. It seemed a bit underwhelming at first, but he put it on all the same. Instantly even the slightly chilled room felt perfectly temperate. He removed the coat. The temperature went back to normal. He put it back on again. Perfect. Well now. Then he looked in the pockets. There was a collapsible harpoon. A fairly rudimentary weapon, but it was better than not having anything at all to defend himself with anymore. There were also some small marble like objects in another pocket. A swirling smoke was within them. Smoke bombs. Again fairly useful for someone like him who didn't favor fighting.

    He turned and saw Eudial fidgeting uncomfortably with a bloody knife. There seemed to be a sense of goodness that was radiating from it that was slightly irritating Gaunt even from a distance. As useful as a knife could be (especially a powerful one) he didn't want any part of that blade.

    "So, a countdown now?" Gaunt said. "It's more than we new even seconds ago, but I'm not sure I'm relieved that we still don't know what it's for. I'll welcome the supplies though. I've been thinking about buying a new coat for years."

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