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Thread: The Crash & Burn Mini-Tournament of Death 5

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  1. #1
    I'll still be as active as ever on other forums, but here marks my official retirement from at least tournament writing. If activity peaks up again, I'll still compete, still redesign my machines. But from here on in, I'm putting the pen down.
    This is what I had to say after my major series, Crash & Burn 5, went pants. However, because it went pants, I feel I owe it to you guys to at least give you a proper send-off, if this is truly the end of FRA Fanfic. So I'm picking up Ye Olde rusty pen again.

    So, like last mini-tournament, I need 12 people to enter 2 heavyweight vapourbots.

    Entry rules
    - No flying or hovercraft robots :P
    - Clusterbots are allowed, but they must be at most 4 bots weighing up to 100kg together. (weight limits apply for clusterbots too, but only if ALL the bots in the cluster have the same type of motivation)
    - You can only have a maximum of 3 active weapons going at the same time
    - Interchangeable robots are also allowed, but you may only use 5 attachments for the entire tournament if you have more than 5 attachments.

    Weight limits for the robots:

    - 100kg for wheeled machines, machines with treads (El Diablo Grande) and tracks (101).
    - 110kg for shufflers (Son of Whyachi)
    - 150kg for true walkers (Clawed Hopper)

    The format of the tournament will be 3 heats of 8 robots. 2 robots go through from each heat. Now, unlike last tournament, the Grand Final will be comprised of 3 1v1 fights. The losers then duke it out in the losers' melee, from which one robot goes back into the running. From there it's 1v1 until we have a winner!

    The arena will be much different now! Casino Night Zone, blueprinted by NWOWWE (Josh Noel) and rendered by myself! House robots will also be redesigned for this tournament, and will occupy the corners that don't have pulverizers. I will update this as necessary, but half of the house robots are redesigned already and the arena only needs some tweaking.

    And that should be it. Get those entries in, everybody!
    Last edited by kodster; 26th March 2014 at 15:39.

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