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Thread: Dutch Beetleweight

  1. #41
    TY DAVID!!! chop suey it is. I love that song

    Will have to look up what it means tbh... ahhh... it's a dish

  2. #42
    Quote Originally Posted by Niels - Team K.a.L.M. View Post
    I'm confident Leo was aware of that and just said it to rile up MrSam.
    I almost wanted to retort with the name obsidian but I'm not sure it still is within the RCC ranks.
    We are getting the axe back I believe.

  3. #43
    Yes you are Leo. Eurostar are going to have a fit when I take that through :P

  4. #44
    Shaved some weight of and the machine is looking better by the minute.


    Still a lot of work to be done

  5. #45

  6. #46
    It will have the cleaver, it wasn't on the photo because i need to remake it.

    Got the esc's in today and wired, it's very twitchy even with just the 800rpm motors in. (I have some 1200rpm ones if the speed of the machine was dissapointing)

    Can someone give me some pointers or pictures how to secure a link? I have a dean and an xt60 to choose from.
    I can do it the ugly way at the moment but I'd rather have a nice way to secure it.

    The led is mounted and the system failsafes beutifully. So all in all I made some progress.

  7. #47
    Ressurection of Obsidian ain't impossible. 1 original carbonfibre armorplate is still with us.

    The slender Ti Axe shaft is divided to a few other machines tough. But the last incarnation with original light carbon steel head of that is standing by for reuse

  8. #48
    Chop suey is now alive, everything is wired up and apart from it being twitchy everything seems to work.

    few things left to do:

    -Make 3 spare wheels (the amount of axle adapter i have)
    -Make the axe shaft
    -Make a top lid
    -Make a cradle
    -Make a sharp edge protection
    -Make a locking bar
    -Get some experience
    -Get some controll over the damn thing

  9. #49
    Apart from making the three spare wheels I managed to cross of my list of thing to do.


    It is far from perfect with a weapon that will be the running gag of the event.
    But it runs... to a fashion

    (edit) I love how youtube puts videos of the dish up afterwards . Even though I added several tags.

  10. #50
    Love it!

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